Chapter 31

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We are back home from Greece. Our time there was amazing. We were out on the streets all day and we didn't care when people were looking at us weirdly. I had the chance to teach Harry some Greek words that I learned before we traveled there and now he is determined to learn Greek too. You see Italian and Spanish aren't enough for him. He said that he will definitely go back in the near future. I hope he will take me with him. 

Athens was a beauty. We walked every known street and we even visited some museums without having hundreds of fans come to us for a photo. Somehow they respected our personal space despite the shock I saw on some of their faces when they saw their favorite person walking next to them. I lived my dream in Athens. I learned so many things and I saw the monuments I dreamt about. I think that Athens is the city that I will eventually move to when I'm old and grey. 

We went to Santorini for a week after Athens. There were so many tourists and our personal space there wasn't that personal when we were deciding to go for a walk. But despite of that, Harry managed to book us a hotel with a private beach so there weren't so many people. Only a few celebrities that I didn't expect to see ever in my life. None of them minded that we were there. We had dinner with one or two of them. 

We fell in love again in Greece. We saw sunsets together, we walked down the long roads in Athens, we made love while we were watching the sea and we said I love you like it was the first time. My time with Harry is getting better and better as the time goes by and if i told that to 27 year old Eloise she would laugh. 

A year ago, I was living by the phrase Sadness will last forever. I thought that I would forever be sad and no one will love me because I was unlovable. A year ago, I thought that if my life continued to be that depressing I was going to end it. But now, I'm happy. I can finally say, that for the first time after 20 years I am happy. I have a home filled with love and I have the family I always dreamt about. I have forgiven my mother and I hate my father even more for the pain he caused because he opened stitches that will never close. But I don't think about my past everyday. 

Now I enjoy the present moments, I enjoy my life. I'm happier than ever. I learned that I had to let it go, I had to let others in, in order to start feeling again. Harry is a lesson in my life. He taught me how to be proud of myself, how to not feel ashamed that my past was like this. He is my strength and I am his.

It's been exactly a year since we first met in that old town, or should I say village? Anyway, it's been a year since he laid his eyes on me and decided to speak to a stranger in order to save their life. He still has this savior complex but nobody can help him to leave in the past. He always tries to be there for everyone even if the person hasn't a good impact on his life. 

I am thinking of gifting something to him. I don't know what should that gift be. I want it to be something personal. I don't care about the cost. Being expensive doesn't mean that it is a good gift. I want it to be something that he will have with him everyday and it will remind him of us. We always tell each other that we were in a relationship long before we were in one. We knew each other long before we met, like we met in a dream and that dream decided to become real. I think that we will be together and in our next life. We are meant to be. 

I decided to make him a cardigan. He loves these kind of things and he always wears mine. I learned how to crochet a few years ago when I was in my great depression era. I have made a few pieces of clothing back then but I haven't had the chance to crochet anything a year now. I decided to be a perfect gift for Harry because I'm sure he will get me something thoughtful too. I started crocheting when he was on tour and by the time we were back to London from our vacation in Greece I had everything ready and I was waiting for my other little surprise to arrive. The shirt I was waiting for are here a few days now and I did everything for keep it a secret. 

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