Chapter 6

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We spend the next day here and there. I went for some shopping and he spent the day in his room. He said that he had some inspiration and he really wanted to write something before we head off the next morning. The next morning we started our trip early. We had about 14 hours of driving to do so we could be in Rome. He was so excited to be there. He had a home there and we were going to be roommates again. He speaks so highly of Italy and i am happy that there is a place he feels safe. 

The first stop was in Avallon, which was about 2 hours away from Paris. We ate lunch there and we took the road to Geneva. It was 4 hours drive but it was worth the uncomfortable seats. Harry must be way to exhausted but he didn't want to admit it. So after our dinner at a little diner in the middle of nowhere in Genova, he finally let me drive. It was about 4 hours drive to Milan, where we were going to stay for the night. We were at Milan in the midnight and we went straight to our rooms. The room was way too small but it was so beautiful for the one night that we were staying there. Harry's room was next to mine and he made me promise that whatever we will reach for each other for whatever reason, even if that reason was boredom. 

I stayed in my room all night that night. I never slept, i wrote a little and i watched the city and its night life, which wasn't that much but i like it better that way. It was hot that night and the hot summer nights make me miss my family even more, even though i shouldn't. I should not miss them, i can't miss them but here i was, missing them like i was still attached to my parents. My parents aren't good parents. They are the type of people who shouldn't become parents. I'm still traumatized by the way that they treated me. I still try to find a place where i fit in. 

The morning comes quicker than i was expected and i only find out about the time because of the knock at my door. I reach there to open in wide and i see a smiling Harry with coffee and breakfast in his hands. He looks at me a little better and something in his expression changes. He seems sad. 

"You didn't sleep, did you?"

"I tried, i couldn't." I answer his question and i lower my head. He immediately lifts my head up and he look me straight in the eyes. 

"Don't apologize to me Eloise. Why didn't you come to me last night?"

"You needed your sleep Harry."

"Stupid girl. I don't sleep much, you know it. I was up by 4 and a half."

"I will know better."

"You will live with me from tonight and i am a light sleeper. I will know as soon as you are out of your bed." He says and laugh at his joke, but i know that it isn't a joke and he will, in fact, do it. "Now, can we eat please?"

"Of course." We eat the breakfast he peaks up and we leave as soon as i am dressed. 

We are at Harry's house later on the same afternoon. The house is in a quiet neighborhood in Rome and i really am excited to see what is inside of it. The inside of the house is colorful and lively, just like Harry. A lot of photographs are hanging in the wall and I immediately go there to see what Harry choose to be that important to be there in the wall. I feel his eyes following me but he doesn't say a thing, on the other hand he leaves both of out luggage on the floor next to him and he moves by me. 

"These are all the things i don't want to forget. These people are so important for me." He says and then he starts to explain every photograph to me. 

"Well this is the first one i put on this wall," he shows me the photo in the middle, "as you know, this is my mum and my sister and well your favorite boy ever, me.  It was taken at the Christmas eve in my mum's house last year." 

"You should have known better mister Styles. My favorite boy ever is Jagger and no one, I say no one is going to change it." 

"Okay, okay, moving on." He says in the most British accent ever following by a little laugh. "This is the first photo of me and my band. Louis' mum took it back in the day and i will forever be grateful about this memory. I should talk to you one of these days about the band. I bet you will love Louis when you meet him." He says like he is talking to himself. 

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