Chapter 16

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I feel anxious. The room that I am in is a big stage, in a theater. A lot of people is already sitting and waiting for me to come to the stage and talk about my book. I don't know why my manager agreed to this, and i don't know i agreed too. I am not good at talking to big crowds, but here i am. 

Harry is sitting with me backstage, where no one can see him. We are very protective about our relationship. We don't want it to get out, and we are doing a great job so far. Our closest people know everything and they didn't tell a thing. The most excited about this relationship is Gemma. She calls herself our wing woman and she says that if she wasn't there at that moment nothing would happen. I agree with her, and i know that Harry agrees as well but he doesn't want to give his sister that satisfaction. 

As i was saying, he is sitting next to me and he tells me to take big breaths. He does his best to calm me down. He is wearing a costume even though i told him that nobody could see him. I am wearing a black dress. It is very simple yet elegant. The pop of color in my outfit are my pink high heels. 

"I don't know how you do it every night to all of this people. There are only like 100 people out there and i am ready to shit myself."

"I just think that i am doing it for me. I don't do it to please anyone. It is my job. I have to do it. You have to do it as well. You are going to be excellent. You are going to tell them the theme and then answer a few questions. These people out there love you."

"I would be lost without you here." I tell him and i kiss him. 

"Eloise, it's your turn." My manager, Stella, says to me and i stand up. Harry stands up as well and hugs me telling me that everything is going to be alright. 

I walk out the stage. The people who is out there applaud for me and i haven't even talked. I see my siblings sitting in the back, as well as Gemma and Anne. A few rows behind them, i see my friends, Jolene, her girlfriend Jessica and Stephan. I'm glad Michael couldn't come. 

"Hello," I eventually speak into the mic, "I'm so happy to see you here today. As you all know, my book is officially out today. It is called Daydreaming about the Midnights and it is written in prose. I haven't written in prose ever, and it was really a challenge but after 2 or 3 poems I knew that this book was meant to be in prose. I am very happy to answer to some of your questions." 

A lot of journalists are here so i am well prepared of what the questions are going to be like.  

"How much time did it take you to write the whole book?"

"A year. I was changing my mind every time i wrote something. I had written the first part of the book in the first 6 months, but nothing more. Eventually, 4 months ago i found inspiration."

"Where did you find it?" Another journalist asks me.

"I find inspiration to everyday things. I can write about my coffee, about a dog looked at me at my walk to the park, about something that happened to my life at that time and of course about people. I really love to write about people."

"Eloise, everyone who is reading the poems can understand that you are in love. Does the person know about them?"

"Yes, they are and they are really excited that i found inspiration to their face."

"Are you going to tell us who are they?" 

"I don't think so, I am not someone that people will be interested about to know about my personal life. I am just an ordinary girl, with an ordinary relationship." I can see my sister laughing from here.

"You wrote about your childhood a lot. How do you manage to write different things about it every time? You include it a lot." 

"I really like this question. I write about my trauma. Different people cope with different ways about it. My way is writing it. I write for people who feel lonely, who don't have anyone to talk to. I'm maybe not there, but i know that they find my books as a shoulder to cry on. I want them to know that their experience values and they have to be vocal about it. I make the first step so others can follow me. I have struggled a lot throughout my childhood but i came out from it as a winner and i want the people who read about it to know that whatever is going on write now, everything will be alright. We will be alright." 

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