Chapter 34

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It's a filler 

We are going back home today. I'm so excited that we are going to see our loved ones after all that time. I have missed everyone so much. Ella and I texted and called each other at least one time a day. They were all so happy that Harry gave me a promise ring. The only person that knew all along was Mike, who helped him choose it via Facetime. The both of them are closer than I expected, due to the fact that they are the only boys and somehow they have both the savior complex. 

My time in America was so productive. We have finished the script and we were doing auditions. Florence is part of the cast already, as well as Logan. They have so much chemistry together and I can't believe that my idea is becoming a reality and I am there to see it. It is exactly how envisioned it. I like looking at them during the rehearsals. The official filming hasn't started yet, it actually starts in late January 2023. Timothee said yes too. I was the most excited about it. He is filming constantly but he agreed to be part of that film. Greta is the director and I don't know how I managed to have such amazing partners. 

Harry is as excited as I am for this film. He has read the script because for some reason he wanted to see how faithful we were to the book. I stayed true to my word, I didn't change much. It's so excited to be a part of a film adaptation, I never was and I think that I like it somehow. It's amazing to see your ideas turn into a reality in front of your eyes. 

I was on Los Angeles for the most of my stay in America. Harry was away touring and I didn't go to as many shows as I was expecting to go. I only went to one show in New York city, the last one. It was a special show. A banner with his name is going to stay up there in Madison Square Garden forever, all of our friends were there and Harry sang Ever since New York, which is one of my favorite songs of his. He gets a little pissed when I say to him that self-titled is my favorite because he wrote a whole album about me and our relationship. I love Harry's house, it's the perfect album, but somehow I fell in love listening to Harry Styles, the album, and now I can't move on. It's so exciting to see him get pressed about such small things and trying to give me the silent treatment. It never works! 

I live in Harry's house in Los Angeles all alone. Jagger is here with me and he keeps me the best company I could have asked for. He is by my side during the meetings and we even went to a few of the rehearsals together. Everybody loves this dog. Timothee and Florence knew him somehow beforehand. Jagger remembered them too. 

Harry came back home a week or so ago and he is trying to relax while going to work not that stressed now that he is somewhere I am. He has a break every few days and those days he either writes or is in the studio with Tom and Tyler. He came to take me from the rehearsals a few times too. One day I was late and he had a date night planned so he waited for me to finish. It was the night that I learned that Timothee and Harry are acquainted and I helped a little to rekindle his friendship with Florence.

I think I did a great job if you ask me. Harry, Timothee, Logan, Florence and I had dinner the other night at our house here. Logan and I share the same love for miss Taylor Swift and Timothee makes fun of us in every possible way. We are a great group that has a lot of fun when it gets together. 

I wish I could share a few photos of that on my Instagram but nobody knows the cast of the film yet. The world will know by next month and I am so excited to see the reactions. There are a few things being said on Twitter and everyone is hilarious somehow. 

Harryween, my favorite word, has passed. Harry got ill after that and I, of course, got ill with him as well. We stayed in bed for a couple of days. He got better faster than I did and he went back to work really quick. He has a few shows and then he is off to Latin America. I wanted to go with him to that leg of the tour but I can't due to the deadlines. 

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