Chapter 2

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This night I slept well. I was confident enough to let sleep drive me to unknown places and not be afraid of what will come with them. Nothing came that night. I woke up this morning feeling somehow new, like something has changed in me. And I was sure that harry had something to do with that feeling. Nightmares are a thing that i have from when I was little. And here I am living them again and again till now. I feel jealous of people who can sleep, jealous of people who can do whatever they want without their mind stopping them and telling them that they are nothing, that they are the worst thing that happened on this planet. And it was a kind of jealousy that i had from when I was little too. Success was my only option. And now that I actually do something to achieve that dream of mine I can't be happy. 

I decide that it is the perfect time for me to leave the bed and do something productive. I decide to clean the house. Maybe if it is a little bit more organized I will feel more inspired to write something. My conversations with Harry help me a lot. They are mind opening for me and they help find the style of my new book. I told my manager that i will write a novel, I wanted to write about a coursed love, that time didn't heal it but it actually ruined it. I wanted to write about someone thinking that the person they were with was the love of their life but it all got ruined within seconds. I thought that I knew how to find the perfect words to express the feelings of my main character but I couldn't find them. So, I changed it all. I will write poetry. I know that i am good at it. I know that some poems of mine are fun reading them again again so i will write another few of them to add to the collections. My manager was thrill at this idea. The publisher said that he was okay with it so the only problem now is me. I can't write. Maybe my talent went away over night. 

I open Spotify and i choose the playlist that fits the most with the deep cleaning that I want to do. Cleaning is always fun for me. If you choose the right songs, it's one of the funniest activities you can do all day. The song that is playing at this moment is something by One Direction. I smile when i hear Harry's voice. He sounds so young, so unaware of what time is hiding for him. I hear my phone ringing. When i answer the phone, i hear the only voice that i wanted to hear so far. 

"Hello dearest Eloise."

"Good afternoon dearest Harry."

"How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good. What are you doing right now?" Before i get the chance to respond i hear his voice become more high pitched. "Are you listening to One Direction?"

"Oh, I don't know, do you?"

"Of course I know, I wrote this song."

"I have a talented friend." I say to him rhetorically, like I am talking to myself. I hear him saying to me to shut up and then he giggles.

"I have so many stories about the one direction days. I have to tell you how Louis and I wrote perfect and the shit story they sold."

"I am all ears, Harry, whenever you want."

"I called you to make sure that you want to meet Jagger."

"Of course I want. I'm really excited to meet the little boy."

"I bet he's excited as well. I will be by your house at 8 o'clock. People won't see us then."

"Wherever you feel ready Harry. I understand."

"Thank you so much."

By that time another song starts to play and it is a familiar voice again. I tell myself to never put music on shuffle ever again.

"So you are a fan."

"Shut up Mr Styles. I told you Sunflower was one of my favorites and it has a place on the playlist."

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