Chapter 19

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HAPPY NEW YEAR. It's already 2023 in Greece so I hope the New year found you safe and sound. Thank you for 1k reads too.

Sexual content ahead. Have fun.

Our time at Anne's was the best thing we could have done. The Christmas holidays here were amazing. My siblings left the next day. Ella was going to leave England for New Year's and Mike wanted to spent the rest of the holidays with Olivia, a woman that I haven't met yet but I already like because she makes Mike happy. Gemma and Michal stayed a couple of days but decided to leave eventually. They were going to spend the rest of the holidays with some friends in a house in a mountain. 

Harry and I decided to stay here. We are going out more than we expected because Harry wanted to see all of his friends from Holmes Chapel before all of them leave and continue whatever they were doing with their lives. Nobody looks at him like the multimillionaire celebrity that all girls fall in love with, they all look at him as their Harry. The Harry they were friends with at school, the Harry they were going out with. 

Last night we had dinner with his first girlfriend and her husband. We had such a great time. Harry and Joanne told us about their first kiss and how Harry was literally shaking. They broke up a week later because she found a new love interest. Harry didn't even mind. He said that he just wanted to have a relationship because all of his friends had one. Joanne's love interest later became her husband. They are high school sweethearts and i can see that the love didn't go away even after all of these years. Joanne said that it was the first time that she had seen Harry that happy. 

Today we aren't going anywhere. It is New Year's eve. The only time we went out during the day was for Jagger's walk. Jagger is having the time of his life too. He's playing with the cats a lot more than they want to and he eats more than ever. He is going to be so sad when we leave and go back to London. I don't want to leave. I have got used of sleeping next to Harry and be waken up from his kisses and hugs. I swear that we are just like teenagers. 

Today, a lot of Harry's relatives will be here to ring in the New Year with us. Anne's brother and his wife and kids will be here as well as Anne's best friend and her family. We helped Anne to prepare dinner and clean the house. 

They came at 9 o'clock to have dinner all together. Harry's cousins are a few years younger than us and I really like talking to them. His cousin, Meghan, is a wonderful girl. She finishes school this year and she asks me so many things about my degree. She wants to study the same thing as me and I answer as many questions as i can. Once she started to feel more comfortable, she told me about that she had read Jezebel a few years ago. She even presented one of my poems in class. I feel so proud of myself that i inspired this young girl. 

John, Harry's other cousin, is at our age. He lives alone here in Holmes Chapel and he invites us to visit him tomorrow. He will have some friends over tomorrow for a drink and he really wants to catch up with his cousin after all of these months. We of course say yes and I am very happy that I am included to all of their plans. 

A soft Christmas music is playing from the record player and I look around me. We all have finished dinner and everyone is talking to each other. I am sitting at the couch with Jagger on my legs and I pet him. I watch Harry talking with Meghan and John telling them a story from the touring days. They are listening to their cousin with attention. Anne is talking to her best friend as her husband is talking to Anne's brother and his wife. That is what is like to have a family, right?

Right now, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know that it is normal, i am not used to those situations. I never had that and now I don't know how to react. Jagger raises his head to look at me. 

"Don't watch Mumma, Jagger. I'm not sad, just a little overwhelmed." He immediately lie to me again, like he understands me. I feel the sofa sink in next to me and i smell Harry's cologne. 

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