6. Athena

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Waking up the next morning felt different. Calmer, kinder, more open minded. The birds sang louder, the breeze flowed through the curtains next to the french doors better, and the air smelled fresher. I woke up to a text from Aunt Marcy asking me how I was doing, I told her I would call her sometime today or tomorrow, I wanted to sit down and have a good long talk with her not just a quick hey I'm doing great and I'm busy, I haven't in a while and I believe she deserves better. I was working long hours today since classes are finally over, I'm taking on longer summer shifts. I slipped on an outfit for the day, a matching ivory tweed skirt set with gold hardware. A short tweed skirt with four gold buttons running down off center from the top of the skirt to the bottom, a white top tucked in, and a matching tweed blazer with 7 large, round gold buttons running down it on top. I popped on a pair of gold sandals and a big brown fedora and headed into the car. About five minutes from the manor I pulled over on the road that hung over the side of the mountains overlooking a gorgeous view of the light fog kissing the body of water as if to say, good morning. The sun rises from the ashes to make its first flame of the day, a sunrise, rebirth, the start of a new day. I stood for a moment, the cars passing behind me and I pulled out my phone to take a photo of the moment, I got back into the car and completed the full journey to the manor. Stepping out onto the cobblestone path I was greeted by the gorgeous home staring back at me, and Lorenzo's eyes, as if they were glued to me since the second the heel of my sandal stepped out of the car and onto the ground. He looked vicious, tattoos covering his skin, most of which were religious references like bible verses or a cross tracing up his finger which I could only help but smile at in adoration, small but powerful chains hung around his neck, a chiseled face that always had a resting angry face, like he was always swamped in something, something was always wrong, like he was too afraid to show his true emotions, what was really going on in that gorgeous head of his. The way his hips were placed forward on the chair and how he almost slouched back with one hand hung over his thigh and the other holding a small mug of what I could only assume was espresso judging by the large pot sitting at the table with them. Him and Henry were sitting at a small circular table under a willow tree, my favorite, in the front garden, talking business I suppose. He was here much earlier than expected. His dark Icy cold ices stared back at me, I glanced at him and cracked a small barely existent smile back at him. The wooden front door creaked open and out came running my lifeline to save me from this awkward, across the garden situation. Melody, in a sweet spring dress and white sandals with her hair loose. I knelt down, opened my arms and screamed "Mel! Hi love! You look so pretty!" I caught her, raised her up into the air and spun around as she let out the most angelic, pure, and contagious laugh I had ever heard. I could only assume Melody and I had interrupted whatever spectacle and festivities were going on at that table as both Henry and Lorenzo stared at Melody and I as I carried her into the house. Annalise looked tired and in a rush as she said, "Hi Athena, I have to run some errands I'll be back in an hour or two you know what to do! And thank you again, really from the bottom of my heart for taking Melody last night, you saved me money, business, customers, and you provided me with an amazing opportunity to grow my business further. Thank you, love you!" As soon as she left, that house was silent. Not even housekeepers or any living workers, it was just me and Melody. I placed her in her high chair and got to washing some berries for her to eat for her breakfast. I set them at the table of the high chair and pulled up one of the kitchen bar stools next to her at the kitchen island and pulled out my book, Pride and Prejudice, it is my third time reading it but I find it to be such a beautiful, misunderstood story that could have so many different outcomes, perspectives, and opinions made about it depending on who the reader is. I first read it when I was around fourteen, my aunt was sitting out in the open summer sun on a lounge chair reading it as she supervised me swimming in our backyard pool. I watched as her fingers curled around it and flipped each page, how her smile curled when she got to beautiful, funny, or happy parts in the story, how her chest lifted the book up and down as she took deep breaths in the hot Ellijay, Georgia heat. She was beautiful, and it was times like that one where I felt so happy and lucky to call this woman, my mother. No one had ever been there for me like she had. The reminiscent thought in my head was instantly ripped from me like a leaf in a hurricane as the side french door from the kitchen swung open and I looked from shoes to head to find Lorenzo standing not even 5 inches from my face close enough to kiss if we were together. He wore a dark green suit with an ivory colored shirt, and dark black shoes that were shinier than the ocean when the afternoon sun glistened on it. I could see my reflection in them from more than 5 feet away. I took a small step back so we weren't as close, he grabbed my book, put it on the island and took both my wrists into his hands. He lifted his hand and moved a small strand of hair hanging out of my messy low bun and tucked it behind my ear before caressing my cheek. I started to burn up, my cheeks flushed red, my knees began to tremble and I felt weak enough to fall on the floor. The room was hot, my skin felt like it was peeling from my insides, like I had just bathed in gasoline and then lit myself on fire. He noticed it too, he stepped back and said, "Relax goddess, don't get too winded. I'm leaving, Henry has to go so I have to go too, I have some business to catch up on anyway. Just came to get my jacket, get close enough to the smell of your hair, feel the warmth of your skin. Oh, and dinner tonight!? Please, my offer is desperate." He whispered into my ear, "You know what's frustrating, you're the only woman who doesn't fall to my feet begging for me, I have to work real hard to get you, and your permission to be with you, and your consent for anything. Normally people already sign the contract before even reading through it. But you, you're different, I like that." He stepped back before saying a quick hi to Melody while I walked to the laundry room just behind the kitchen to get the jacket, without saying a word to him. He knew I was falling, he knew I had interest, he knew what he was doing was affecting me and he knew how much I loved it. I grabbed the jacket before doing one last check on the patch to make sure everything was perfectly placed and everything was how it should've been. I handed him the jacket, spun him around and began pushing him by the shoulders to the door before opening it and shoving him out. "What is your answer!? You're just going to push me out without telling me if I'll ever get you!? That is real hurtful love. What do you say!? Tonight, I'll pick you up. I can't leave without trying!", he said, desperately like I was the only woman in this world he could be with. I replied, "Lorenzo, leave! I'm supposed to be working! You think whispering in my ear a few times, grabbing my wrists, and being the most respectful man I have ever met is going to get you somewhere this fast!? Oh and by the way, the branding tag in your jacket was a little screwed up with stains and it was a little bit ripped so I sewed it up last night. I bet your jackets are probably worth my childhood home, I wouldn't want to return it with anything damaged. Might want to check it, make sure everything looks ok." He replied with a hand in the air as he walked to his small two-door BMW, "I thought it could be that easy to get with a goddess. I guess I was wrong! I'm not giving up Ms. Carter!" He peeled out of the driveway and I didn't know whether to jumble into a ball because of the butterflies in my stomach after what I had just experienced or to jumble up into a ball to cry because I may have just missed an amazing opportunity to go out with a dream man. I practically super glued my phone to my hand, constantly checking it, waiting for the notification from the unknown number that would hopefully be my date tonight. I watched as Melody began to get sleepy and cranky. I carried her to her room to lay her down for an afternoon nap. The house was still empty, both Annalise and Henry had left for work and none of the other staff were here. I carried her softly as I climbed each of the marble stairs. Opened the door and turned on the dimmer lights to a soft peach that would give me just enough light to see what I was doing but to still set a gorgeous mood for Melody to stay asleep. Opening the door I could not quite believe what I was seeing. Lorenzo, that son of a gun. Laying across the dresser were the most beautiful, and probably most expensive clothing items I had ever laid eyes on, a gorgeous dress that reminded me so much of something my mother would wear, matching shoes, and a necklace that looked like something pulled off a mermaid from the bottom of the Atlantic ocean decades ago. I put Melody down, she began snoring and then I allowed myself to engulf myself in the gifts. I shocked myself as tears began rolling down my eyes. I had never felt so cared for, so loved. Someone was doing such a nice gesture for me, and I had only met him yesterday. What he did for me just today after one day of meeting me was something incomparable to the little my dad ever did for me in years of knowing me and being a reason for my birth. I felt appreciated, worshiped, wanted, and all because of Lorenzo. A small card-stock folded note card stood on top of the dress as it layed in its glory reading, I don't YET know your favorite colors, or what type of clothing you like but this dress stood at the back of the showroom shining on the display calling me as if to say I had found the one, it reminded me of you, breathtaking, taking over every room you walk into even if you do not notice it. So what do you say, dinner? Tonight, pick you up here, 8pm. The outfit is already done for you so less work, unless you don't like it. I hope to pull up there tonight to find a gorgeous goddess standing on the stairs in all her glory rather than being face to face with a cold stone wall. - Lorenzo Gosh why was he so amazing, why did it seem like I fumbled over English and words like it was a language from a martian land did he always seem to know what to say. Like every single word rolled off his tongue and came naturally to him, with ease, almost as if to humiliate me or rub it in without trying to. I was so going, I would not miss this for anything. Gosh I was falling for a man I barely knew. How does someone like him actually exist? I felt like a tulip closed up in a long dark, cold winter season and Lorenzo had been my sunlight, shining so close to my petals, close enough to open me up slowly from my winter, my dad's wrath, my checkered past, my rough childhood. Spring was ahead, it had to be. Just then, Annalise came home, "MELODY!!! ATHENA!!! I'm back! How is it going, my two favorite girls!" I replied, "Annalise, we need to talk!" Something inside told me she was in on this little gesture this whole time, Lorenzo did not seem like the type to break and enter into a house of one of his best friends and business partners. He was powerful, scary. But his heart isn't powerful enough for that, especially not when Annalise was the only person inside the house while I wasn't there.

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