13. Athena

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 I didn't want him to think I was stalking him or following him around but I saw him sitting there with his head in his hands and he looked so peaceful and calm and beautiful. Here I was yet again, finding myself lost in this boy that I shouldn't be lost in. He was dangerous in ways, he was dark, he was protective and scary looking but I was too deep in, and I wanted to dig deeper. We stepped out and he grabbed my hand without saying a single word. He walked in front of me and guided me towards wherever his mother was laid to rest. The site felt more beautiful than the others. Her name was gently carved into a large marbled stone, what looked like the most expensive flowers laid in potting on the floor, and her stone had the kindest messages written into it. He sat on the grass before the stone and patted the ground next to him to tell me to sit next to him, I did. He finally spoke up saying, "If I could come here everyday I would, I would find myself flooded with the most ideas, the most love, the most peace, the most creativity, the most closure, the most hope when I am here among all the places I surround myself with. My mother loved England most, as I think I had already mentioned. She only lived in Italy for my dad but she certainly did not like it as much as she did here. Just days before her death she had told me that if she were to ever die she wanted to be buried in England. Imagine hearing that as a kid, then people wonder why I am the way I am. After she died my dad fled back to Italy and I was left grappling with losing my mom and fulfilling her wishes. I had told Ophelia and she told me she would do everything possible to get her to be buried in England and sure enough she pulled through. I love Italy, it's where my school was, my friends from school, my childhood, my family, my hopes, my dreams, my hobbies, it's where most of me is from, but I don't love it like I do England. I feel nothing when I'm there. Someday soon I will go back because there are things I need to handle but I p[lan to stay here for the rest of my life. Settle down, marry, start a family perhaps, buy a full real house on a big property. Grow old in a place so beloved by the person that loved me most in life. My dad practically owns every part of Italy I was ever involved with .I cannot go back there and pretend like nothing happened, I don't want to see him or parts of that country that just further remind me how my childhood took such a sharp, dark turn." Every word that rolled off his tongue was enchanting, like he was speaking a language from another planet though it was the one I have spoken all my life. It felt better when he said it, the language felt more magnificent when he was the one speaking it. I could sit for hours gaping at the tone of his voice and the way parts of him moved when he said different words. "I'm not sure if I have ever said this before, but if I havent I hand over my deepest apologies because you of all people deserve to know. She would have been so proud of you Lorenzo. I have only known you for a matter of days and I can already see that. She would come down here if she could and she would hug you tight, she would caress your hair, squeeze your shoulders and whisper in your ear that she watched all along and couldn't believe that someone that came from her bloodline did everything you did, having no one beside you as an innocent child and growing into a handsome, mature, independent young man who could tackle the world if he wanted to. No mother would be prouder, and no son is more deserving.", he needed to know, I dragged my hand along his cheek which made him smile. I never thought I would have capabilities to achieve from a man with such personality traits as he did. Quickly changing the subject, which I didn't blame him for, Lorenzo was clearly the type of person who masked his feelings as to come across no weaker than the rest, he spoke, "Soooo, Ms. Carter. Are we still on for tonight? Six? I have somewhere to take you love, I think you will love it." "I believe we are." Standing from the grass he picked me up off the ground and checked my back without having to be asked he said, "You're fine, no grass in sight." I smiled and did the same for him although his suit had collected enough grass to cover a few acres of farmland. "Just rub it off, I'm ok with you touching me!", he said laughing. I did as he asked and he walked me to my car before opening the door and leaning in as I started the engine. "I have never taken anyone here, ever. However, I can say with full assurance that I am so glad you came. Like if my mother was sitting there with us, laughing, talking, she would be so happy to see me with a girl like you. Drive safe love, I'll see you tonight." I banged my head against the steering wheel as he drove away. Everything was just too perfect. 

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