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chapter seven.

"OH, BUCKLEY, If there's ever any advice I can give you with Abby, it's to never take an emergency during a proposal

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"OH, BUCKLEY, If there's ever any advice I can give you with Abby, it's to never take an emergency during a proposal. Not that she'd say 'yes' anyways"

Hen and Bobby laughed as Buck just rolled his eye. Hen then took the moment to speak, "your girl did really save our asses back there."

Buck didn't respond but held a sheepish grin on his face as he looked down at the ground. He wouldn't say it out loud but he was pretty proud of her. He was also very adamant that the two were just friends yet he invited her to Chimney's welcome back party.

Today was a hard day for Hunter although she would never admit it. Valentine's Day without Lane would be unusual for her. She had grown accustomed to his treats and love for the occasion.

"Here and there, I've been known since I was about eight years old to like Valentine's Day," Bobby started to explain his love for the mock holiday, "And after I met my wife, I'll tell you what... you have someone to share it with, it could be pretty great."

Hunter sighed, she knew what he meant. Buck watched as he tried to shut off the water to the blown hydrant before saying, "you must miss her a lot on Valentine's Day."

Bobby sighed, "I miss her everyday, Buck."

As they went to leave the call, Hunter and Bobby walked a tad bit slower behind Buck who led the way to the engine truck. Bobby looked down at the younger woman, "Hunt, how are you doing today?"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, the way he asked it had sounded like he had a reason to worry. Sensing her confusion Bobby elaborated, "I know about your fiancé-"

"Oh," Hunter sighed, "it's okay, no different than any other day. Hurts all the same, you know?" Bobby nodded his head before the girl continued, "but, uh, how do you know that?"

"The commissioner thought I should know before you joined the house."

Hunter sighed again as she hopped in the engine truck before calling to buck who was trying, "hurry up, we can't miss welcoming Chim back."

"Calla, shut the fuck-"

"Buck, you finish that and I'll have you on desk duty," Bobby warned.

"Ha," she chuckled, before whispering, "I bet he wouldn't stop me if I took out your knees right now."

He didn't respond, most likely scared of Bobby's threat. He was also slight terrified one of these days he'd push Hunter too far and end up with a broken nose, or wrist. Fortunately he was quiet for the rest of the ride back to the station.

Hunter and the rest of the 118 along with some other of Chim's friends stood around and looked down at the semi realistic Chim-rebar model cake. "I guess if you're gonna have a piece of rebar that's sticking through your skull, that's the way to do it."

"So not even a headache?" Buck asked chimney just to make sure one last time.

"Just you, Buck."

"Oh. Shade, shade, shade, shade," hen called out with a laugh along with the other people.

"Oh Chim, I've missed you," Hunter said laughing as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder, buck rolling his eyes.

"All right, who's got a match?" Bobby asked, gaining no response from anyone, "Really? Firehouse and nobody's got a match?" He said sarcastically while walking away to go and find one. Hunter just rolled her eyes at his dumb joke but it fit Bobby's personality just great.

Hen and Hunter stood over in the kitchen, the latter of the two just didn't want to be around all the people that she didn't know. It wasn't an unknown fact that Hunter didn't like new people. Hen had followed her there because other than Athena and Chim, Hunter was her favorite person in the room.

"Everyone, this is Abby Clark," buck introduced as he walked up the stairs with the familiar woman.

"Oh my god," Hunter laughed.

"And she brought cookies," he continued, gaining a laugh and a cheer from the group.

Hunter and Hen shared a look as Athena came up and joined the two, the latter of the three pointed over at them about to say something but Hunter spoke first, "just don't ask," she said with a laugh.

"Hi I'm hen," the woman started as buck and Abby came to stand next to the three other women, "I work with your boy here."

"Glad to know you really exist," Athena joked, making Abby laugh.

"How's your mom doing?" Hunter asked her while taking a sip of her drink.

"She's doing okay, thanks for asking."

Hunter nodded her head before asking a new question, "now how did Buckley here land such a nice lady?"

Buck in response slapped the back of her head only for Abby to laugh and quickly scold the boy, "he's not all bad."

"Oh wow," buck sarcastically said with a laugh, "thanks."

Hen waited a moment before asking the next question, "where he taking you? Valentine's Day is tomorrow."

The three women watched as the unofficial couple shared a look as they scrambled their words and attempt to get a full sentence out. Buck did first, "you know, I got to work tomorrow and all."

Hen scoffed, "yeah we do too, our shift ends at two. I'm going home to my wife," she said before walking away, most likely to find Chimney. Athena and Hunter shared a look as they both rolled their eyes.

Abby was quick to shift the subject, "what about you guys? You got plans?"

Both the girls laughed. Athena responded first with a scoff, "hell I put in for an extra shift. Gotta keep my mind off of romance."

"Calla?" Buck asked after the girl hadn't responded.

"That's on a need to know basis," she mocked repeating her words from one of their previous conversations. She didn't need to tell him she'd spend it drinking alone.

"And I don't need to know," buck said back in a fake high pitched voice.

"Precisely," she said while slowly backing away with a smile before fully turning away and finding Bobby.

"Hey, cap."

"What's up, Hunt?"

"I just wanted to let you know we're all still here to help you. So tomorrow if you need something, I have my phone."

"Thanks, Hunt," he said as he laid a hand on her shoulder, "but you don't hesitate to ask for help either, okay?"

"Yes sir," she said with a mock solute before turning back around. Bobby might just be one of Hunter's favorite people, a fatherly figure who she knew would always be there for her.

Excited for next chapter cause it talks a lil about hunters past and lane

And I think I've been getting exhaustion headaches from not sleeping enough lmao

𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨. Evan Buckley ¹Where stories live. Discover now