Chapter Three: The Promise of the Goddess

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The next day the guards came to take me to the courtyard

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The next day the guards came to take me to the courtyard. They had me stand on the prayer platform, a man with a knife at his belt on each side of me, and Mother Agnes at the front. In front of me were the eyes of all thirty seven of my fellow housemates, kneeled on their knees, and silent. I spotted Sister Patrice among them, but when our eyes met, she looked away. 

Pathetic. I thought. 

I wanted to tell her, but I kept my feelings in my heart, where they belonged. Where they should have stayed.

It was freezing now and the snow had begun to coat the ground in patches of white. I was only in my shift, and the cold was miserable, but not as bad as the embarrassment I knew would soon follow.

I didn't want to have all of my sins paraded around in front of them. I didn't know what the point was when I would soon be dead. 

Mother Agnes glanced back at me one last time before she addressed the crowd. It was hard to tell, but I thought her eyes held a bit of sadness in them. 

"Are you ready to listen to your sister's confession?" She asked them.

"Yes." They responded in unison.

She turned her attention back to me, all traced of remorse now gone, her face stoic and stern. 

"Are you ready to confess, Judith?"

I took note of the way she did not call me 'sister'. 

"Yes mother." I said. 

"Sister Judith stands accused of the following charges: consorting with an enemy species, harboring secret feelings without profession, joining an enemy species. How do you plead to these charges?"

She turned expectantly to look at me. I looked around the crowd and made eye contact with Sister Patrice once again.


Sister Patrice looked away. 

"You are also accused of breaking sacred vows. The vows you are accused of breaking are as follows: vow number one, the vow of obedience. Vow number five, the vow of chastity. Vow number thirteen, the vow of the sun. How do you plead?"

I shifted on my feet. They were so cold against the stone platform, that I could no longer feel my toes. Dare I say how I truly felt? I was going to die anyway. 

"Guilty on the first and last counts."

A soft murmur broke out among the ground, and Mother Agnes quickly ordered them back to silence. 

"Is there anyone here who would like to attest to her innocence in this matter?" Mother Agnes said 

Sister Patrice got up to leave. A few of the women looked up at her as she left with wide eyes. 

I felt like I was going to be sick, but managed to hold it together. 

"Anyone at all?" 

At the crowd's silence, she turned back to face me, her thin lips in a tight line. The lines of age on her face seemed even harsher than usual. 

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