Chapter Twelve: The Bounty Hunter

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The next day, things were more than awkward between myself and Greta

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The next day, things were more than awkward between myself and Greta. She did not talk to me and spent much of the day of travel as far away from me as possible. I quite liked it. It made me feel good to know that just my presence was enough to make her feel discomfort at the moment.

Our awkward day of travel led us to the largest lake I had ever seen. It was completely frozen, and Imanthi said it would be much faster if we crossed it rather than traveling around.

"Do you think we will fall through the ice?" Quen asked. There was a nervous quiver in his voice, and his pace slowed down tremendously.

"It looks plenty thick enough." Ayla said. "And I know ice pretty well."

He still stopped at the lake's edge, and nervously rocked from his heels to his toes, then back again. Greta turned back to him and gave him a look of great annoyance.

"Why are you so worried about it?"

The boy's face turned red.

"I—I can't swim." He blurted out.

This revelation set Greta off.

"What? How can you be a mermaid if you can't swim? You can breathe water? What sense does any of that even make?"

"I've never been in the water before—" He stuttered. "I don't even know how to shift forms—"

"I would think such a thing should come naturally to you?" She said, "Are you just that dumb?"

"Greta, be nice to him. He's a baby." I snapped.

"I'm not a baby." He spoke up quietly. "I am a man."

"Then come walk across the ice like a man." Greta spat.

He grimaced, and took a step forward. When the ice didn't fall through, he took another, and then another. I followed behind him, scowling angrily at the back of Greta's head.

I had no doubt that the reason behind her sour mood was the discomfort between us, but she didn't need to take it out on Quen.

As we walked I took notice that there was a massive tree sticking out of the ice. I had never seen a tree so ancient and large before. It was bare of leaves and twisted towards the sky in a sick sort of way. Most of the branches looked ready to fall away at the slightest provocation.

"What is that?"

Quen's voice pulled my attention away from the tree, and I looked over to where he was pointing, just in front of our feet.

There was something under the ice.

I leaned over and ran my hand over it, clearing away the frost much like one would on a window. It revealed a green tinged face, frozen in an angry snarl, much larger body behind judging by the dark mass behind it.

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