Chapter Thirty-Two: The Far North

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The next morning we finally made land

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The next morning we finally made land. I was more than grateful to be off of the ship. Greta had been in a sullen mood, and her silence was off putting. I wasn't sure what I could do to raise her spirits except get her away from Hugo.

What was almost worse was the way everyone, vampires and humans alike, stayed away from me. I had never had people treat me like I was any sort of threat before, like if they did anything to cross me, I might lash out uncontrollably.

I didn't care for it.

Therefore, stepping off of the ship gave me a feeling of relief I hadn't experienced in some time.

The island was like a great white sheet of ice. I knew it snowed here year round, but the cold was almost unimaginable. I didn't know anyone could tolerate the constant freezing. There were a few stacks of smoke wafting up over the thick line of fir trees that promised some sort of warmth once we made it to Bleakcrest. In the distance, I could see the jagged peaks of the mountains.

Greta, thankfully, was more or less back to her normal self shortly after we left the port.

Once we were all alone, the first thing Imanthi made sure to do was berate all three of us.

"I can't believe the three of you almost got us kill." She shouted. She had all of us stood in a line like a teacher scolding unruly children.

I saw Ayla wince to the right of me. I swallowed. If someone as intimidating as her was scared of Imanthi, I knew that I had no chance if I were to ever truly cross her.

"You." She pointed at the tall woman. "You can't stop drinking for long enough to keep an eye on one tiny woman? I'm not sure how much simpler of a task I could give you! Maybe you should just wed yourself to drink if you love it so much."

"Sorry Imanthi, I-"

But before she could even start to stutter out an apology, the woman had already moved down the line- to Greta and myself.

"And the two of you- You can't stop groping each other for just the duration of one trip? Get your priorities straight."

I don't think I could have blushed harder if I was walking nude in the middle of a busy street.

"I apologize, Imanthi. I of all people should have known better." I said.

"Quen was misbehaving as well." Greta quipped. I felt like she was attempting to come to my rescue, but I was unwanted. It only served to embarass me further.

Quen's face turned almost as red as his hair- what was left of it, anyway. It was the first time I had seen him since before we had boarded the ship, and it was now shaved close to his scalp.

Imanthi immediately turned her attention back to Greta. Imanthi grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and yanked her forward.

"He is a child in a very stressful situation!" She shouted. "The three of you are adults! Act like it."

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