Bonus Chapter 1: Serendipity (Greta's POV)

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It was nearly winter, but already very cold

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It was nearly winter, but already very cold. The trees were dead already, bare of leaves, little more than long, scraggly fingers pointing up towards the sky. I hated it here. There weren't any evergreens in Alexandria, and the city was gray and barren in early winter, only to be covered in muddy slush later on. How anyone could find beauty in such a place disgusted me.

Cities were altogether unpleasant places to me. There were too many smells, making it much too hard to find a good meal. In the crowd you could hardly pick out a person among the quickly moving bodies, not to mention the sheer, overwhelming stimulation of it all.

But at least that meant the food was plentiful. Hard to sort out, but plentiful.

It was here, meandering through one of these busy market crowds, that I found her for the first time. It was her scent that I took notice of first, and I cursed to myself that someone so enticing would be somewhere like this, in a crowd where they would be impossible to pick out. Still, I didn't have much to do, so I decided to track the smell to the best of my abilities.

I was sure I wouldn't be able to find her, not with so many people around, so many different smells. I thought for sure I should just give up, perhaps find a bar to hang out in for the night until a meal wandered in.

At least until I saw her, standing in the distance.

A girl dressed in religious attire, carrying a small basket of apples. Her skin was brown and her eyes dark and rimmed with thick lashes. There was something warm about her that set her apart from the desolate gray of the city. I thought it was her smile.

The way she looked up at the girl by her side, eyes wide, attentive, was familiar to me. It was the sort of look you gave someone, who was, by all accounts ordinary, but to you? To you they were the center of the world.


That's what my mother used to call it. She used to sound so disgusted by it, like even saying the word brought a bitter taste to her mouth. It makes you stupid. She would say, Don't fall into that trap. Falling in love is a mistake.

I thought I would never need to worry about something like that. I was smarter than that. I looked out for myself. I wasn't going to be a fool a second time. Not like this girl clearly was.

A small strand of black hair fell from the girl's cap, and I watched attentively as she caught it with her finger and pushed it back up behind the gay fabric. The blonde girl beside her reached over to help, adjusting the stiff, starched fabric with her finger and thumb. The dark haired girl's eyes grew wide with surprise, and I could imagine in my head the sound of how hard her heart would be beating, how fast the blood that ran just beneath her skin would be flowing.

That night, it would be flowing into my mouth.

After a moment, they wandered on, and I followed behind them, careful to keep a safe distance. But even at a distance, I could see the flustered look on the girl's face.

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