Chapter Thirteen: A Time to Rest

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We weren't at the tavern long before there was a furious knocking on the door

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We weren't at the tavern long before there was a furious knocking on the door. I had already undressed and let my hair down, and the angry pounding in my head did not agree with all of the noise.

Ayla grabbed her axe, and cracked the door open.


She opened the door further, and I could see Greta braced against the doorframe in a tense sort of way with Quen standing behind her. He seemed shaken, but physically unharmed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I've been looking for you." She huffed.


"Imanthi is heading on to Alexandria. She said she has an important client to meet in the capital and she needs backup in case things go south."

"So are you going to take him with you?"

"No, I need you to take him." Greta said.

She winced as she stood in the doorway, and for the first time I noticed that there were a couple of specks of red beginning to blossom on her shirt.

Ayla crossed her arms.

"What happened?"

"Well— to begin, I got stabbed at least seven times in that fight. Then I walked all the way here looking for you, and the tavern owner almost had me thrown out because I was getting blood everywhere—"

"All your own fault." Ayla said.

"Yes, I know." She said, "I still need to rest. I was able to drink a lot of blood, so just a few hours and I should be good."

Ayla sighed.

"Judith needs to rest as well. She took a blow to the head. If you stay behind with her, I will go with Quen to Imanthi."

I tried to hide my frown. I did not like the idea.


"You have to behave." Ayla said.

"You know I will."

She went to take a step into the room, but Ayla held her arm out to stop her.

"Judith will tell me if you do not."

Greta pushed through her.

"I know."

Ayla stepped to the side, while Quen nervously hovered in the doorway.

Greta pulled up the hem of her shirt and started to unwrap the bandages around her stomach. There were indeed several stab wounds on her torso, including one large gash on her stomach that was still bleeding profusely.

Had she been human, she probably wouldn't have even been conscious at the moment. Even Ayla seemed concerned about it.

"You're still bleeding a lot. Are you sure you don't want to go ahead to the capital and have Imanthi take a look at you?"

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