Chapter Twenty-Eight: Home

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The cabin was surprisingly warm, despite how cold the night had become

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The cabin was surprisingly warm, despite how cold the night had become. Even though I had been told that the ship was heated with magic, I hadn't expected much. I carefully removed my veil and unbraided my hair, then dressed down to my shift. Ayla was doing the same as she shrugged out of her thick fur coat. She removed her wool shirt as well, leaving just her pants and her undershirt on.

Beneath the warm light of the lanterns, her muscles looked even more defined. I wondered what it was like to be so strong that you scarcely had to worry about someone hurting you. What was it like to live with that kind of certainty? To have that kind of independence?

I had never known such a thing.

I didn't feel like I would ever know such a thing.

"Judith?" She said.

For a moment I worried she had caught me staring at her, lost in thought, and heat rose to my cheeks. I quickly noticed,however, that she wasn't looking at me,

"Yes?" I said.

"Did you mean what you said earlier today?" She asked.

"What I said earlier?"

"That you had been considering becoming a vampire." She said.

"Ah-" I flushed and turned away. "Yes. I have been considering it."

"I thought perhaps you were just trying to convince Greta to come with us." She said. To my surprise, it didn't sound like she was disappointed or upset that I might have had such intentions.

"Ah- was it really that obvious that I just wanted her to stay?" I said.

She gave me a sort of look of pity, but didn't directly answer my question.

"It's probably for the best that you convinced Greta to come with us." She said. "Charmange is still looking for us. I would hate to leave her separated from us. I know they wouldn't hesitate to kill her if they found her alone."

"Isn't it Imanthi that they are really after?" I asked, "She is the mastermind behind all of the smuggling, and from what I can tell she doesn't have the best reputation in Vlansovia."

"Imanthi is too valuable to kill. She has knowledge of medicine not many others have." Ayla said. "They want to stop her, but they want to do it without killing her. There are other things they can do to get her to cooperate with them. Like killing people she cares about. "

"Do you think they would kill you?" I asked.

"If I refuse to join them? Most likely. The king has wanted me on his personal guard for many years but I have always refused. If I'm against them, they probably see it better to go ahead and take me out. Less of a threat."

"Hm. I suppose that makes sense. " I said.

"Judith- There is one other thing." She said. "Something I heard from a bounty hunter back on the mainland?"

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