Chapter Thirty-Eight: White Lies

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I staggered into the village clutching my parka with a shaking hand

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I staggered into the village clutching my parka with a shaking hand. The other one held the bottle, golden liquid sloshing around as I made my way. I didn't think I had ever felt more tired. Each step was agony. Each breath was a battle I felt like I had to fight to win.

Around me, people were rushing, panicking, but I found that I cared little about what was going on around me. I had one last fight, and I did not intend to lose it. When I made it back to the house, Ayla grabbed me roughly by the shirt, eyes wide with concern. I blinked, wondering how I hadn't even noticed her.

"Judith, what the hell?" She said, "You look terrible."

"Where's Greta?" Was the only thing I could think to say.

"Judith, you've been gone for four days." She said, pulling me closer. "No one knew where you were. Imanthi went to search for you."

I frowned and took a step back out of her grasp.

"Four days? That's not possible."

"Judith, the Vlansovians are just about to-"

"Where's Greta?" I asked again.

She said no more, a defeated look crossing over her face. Wordlessly, she pointed down the hall. I nodded, and left her side. I stood in front of the door and pulled the thick gloves from my hands. The tips of my fingers were a dark purple color, and even the veins in my hands were discolored and sickly. I swallowed the fear that still bubbled up in my throat and said a quick prayer as I clutched the bottle.

I opened the cap, and poured the golden liquid into my mouth. It was sweet like nectar, the taste of spring. I held it there, in my cheek, and made my way into the room Greta was in.

Greta was in bed, curled on her side. She shivered even though the room was warm, dark blue circles rimming her eyes. She didn't even look up to see who had come in.

I walked over to her and gently grabbed her shoulder.

She pulled herself up, regarding me with eyes of distrust. 

"Great. The hallucinations have finally found me." She said.

When I said nothing, she frowned and pulled away from my touch.

"Have you come here to mock me as I die?" She said. "Serves me right, I guess. Maybe you're right about the gods. They do give you what you deserve in the end."

I said nothing still, just crouched in front of her, meeting my dark eyes with her steel gray eyes. Her brow furrowed even further, and a small amount of blood trickled from her nose. I took her chin, and tilted it up towards me.

"What are you—"

The pressing of our lips together cut her off, and she opened her mouth in shock, something I was grateful for. I released the liquid in my mouth, and sputtered against me.

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