Chapter Fifteen: Where the Path Begins to Twist

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"That was an incredibly dumb thing to do

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"That was an incredibly dumb thing to do." Ayla said.

I was sharing a room with her, and had just finished braiding my black hair back into a neat bun. I had thought I was going to be settling down after the excitement of the day.

I had thought.

I frowned and turned around to face her.

"I'm sorry?"

"Lady Evangeline could have killed you on the spot." Ayla said. "She doesn't think much of humans."

"I was standing up for Quen. Somebody had to. He didn't want her to touch him. I made her stop"

"You should have let Imanthi handle the situation. There was no reason for you to put yourself in any danger."

"I have experience getting out of sticky situations."

"Perhaps, but you are very small, and still weak from-"

Very small. Weak.

"If you think so little of me, then just say so." I snapped. "I am not a child. I am a grown woman, and I can handle myself."


I shook my head, and stood up from the bed. I was mad, and more than a touch of it was because of what Greta had told me about her lover in The Far North.

But I couldn't say that. It would imply things I wasn't ready to admit, even to myself.

"I'm going to go get a drink."

I slammed the door and headed down the creaking wooden stairs to the tavern below.

Unfortunately, Greta was down there as well. She was at a table with two young men on either side of her. Her feet were kicked up and her arms were behind her head. She talked to them in what seemed to be a very casual and confident manner, though I couldn't make out what they said to each other.

I hurried over to the bar, and tried not to make eye contact with her.

I gave the man at the bar some money.

"What'll you 'ave?"

"Hard apple cider?" I asked.

He nodded, and returned just a few moments later with a drink for me.

I felt unfocused. Lost maybe?

Maybe I didn't think Patrice would feel the same about me, but I never thought she would betray me. I thought she would always care for me as her close friend. I deserved that at least, right? Despite everything.

I thought Ayla may care for me. I had thought she may even like me, but it seemed she thought of me more as a responsibility than anything.

Of course Greta regarded me much like a cat did a mouse. I was just something for her to bat around with her paws before she made a meal of me.

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