Chapter Five

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Ebony's Pov
I hadn't gotten a moment to myself until I had gotten to the hotel after the arrest was made later into the night. Knowing that we were gonna leave first thing at four am, the next day. I definitely needed the time alone. Lucky I had no roommates this time, even with Morgan's loud whining about having to share a room with Reid.

It left Emily and JJ to share one room, and for Rossi and Aaron to have the other leaving me the lucky one with my own. Room, when I was sure everyone was doing their own things in their rooms, I sunk out to the nearest corner store and bought three pregnancy test.

With the random show blaring on the tv, it left me to pace in those ten minutes, what the hell was I gonna do with the possibility of these test coming back positive? I can't just tell my boss I'm pregnant with his child, he could lose his job and so could I. The little timer on my phone was what brought me from my mini anxious rants.

Could I even hide a pregnancy out on the fields? Just the thought I was already a slightly plush girl, I could easily hide it month by month, switching out running after criminal when I wasn't far away from the scene to paper work and excuses.

That was my game plan if all three of those tests said the same thing, quickly slipping into the bathroom quickly on my socks scooping up the first one in my sight to squint roughly an aggressive sigh leaving.

"Fucking shit." I hissed out scooping up the other two the same identical lines staring right back at me, almost in a taunting way. So this was really happening I'm pregnant with a baby. The thought alone almost made me faint right then and there.

Three loud faint knocks brought me away from my thoughts shutting the lights off quickly I scrambled over to my bed to place all the tests inside my go bag, I'd put them somewhere safe when I was back home. Sliding the bag under my bed, I was up again on my feet answering my door quickly looking at Rossi and Aaron in confusion wiping at my temple.

"Hey guys what's up?" I questioned pretending I wasn't out of breath, Rossi lifting an eyebrow in my direction before speaking.

"Hey all of us are gonna head out to get some Chinese food and drinks for a little celebration. Wanna join?" I taped my palm over the door a couple times. Food did sound good, yet I knew I wouldn't stomach it down too much.

"Oh no! I'm uhm I'm feeling kinda light headed. Not use to the California air, you guys go on without me yeah? Have fun." I smiled at them reassuring, even Aaron looked startled in that moment sinking his shoulders back.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He questioned his palm was pushing away some of my twists in my hair to touch at my temple.

"You have a light fever. Yeah I think you should stay here and rest, will bring you some food later. You did good today." I gave Aaron another soft smile ducking my head down gently.

"Thank you sir. I mean it all of you have fun." I beamed waving goodbye at them, they told me good night gently. The final touch of Aaron's palm. I felt once alone again, I sank my shoulders shutting the door behind them, moving to go sit on my bed.

I need to get these heavy hormonal emotions out now. I wasn't good at keeping secrets. It was hard lying about the one night stand straight to his face, but this, was a whole new level of boundaries and bringing a human into this world.

A heavy sigh slipped from me pressing my palm onto my face, letting the little tears of annoyance leave me. It was now or never. Just breath and it will all be okay, it's not the totally worse thing in the world.

Most sleep wasn't happening that night when four am happened and we drove towards the port were the jet was, it didn't take long for us all to board the many seats of the jet. Curling up in my seat glancing out the window gently biting around the edge of my thumb.

I listened to the growing loud laughter of my team, glancing at Rossi who had sat in front of me, in the seat behind me was Aaron doing his usual rounds of papers leaving the couch spot to Reid, while JJ, Morgan and Emily started a round of cards.

"Ebony you did good yesterday.  You were catching details yesterday that everyone usually gets in no time." I gave Rossi a smile on return, still chewing at my thumb looking back out the window.

"It's no problem it happens sometimes I'm shocked I was so unfocused yesterday." I all but muttered to myself curling up more into my jeans and hoodie, the clouds were soon in my sight. Let's hope there's no turbulence that always was my problem.

"Everything alright kid?" I felt guilty keeping this secret, still looking out the window I could hear his concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah I feel amazing just a sick bug going around." It was my final answer for the rest of the ride leaning my head more on the window I drifted off into a soft slumber holding my arms around myself in no time.

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