Chapter Twenty

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Ebony's Pov
"Thank you for coming in at such a short time I know that you are Jack's step mother and Mr.Hotchner is a very busy man both of you. I appreciate it." I smiled sweetly at the female folding one leg over the other in a gentle manner.

"I appreciate you allowing me to come in Aaron's place.. It's his turn with the children this week." I held back the soft smile listening to her speak closely, she seemed like a sweet woman and I was more than happy to help with what parenting I had in me, when it came to both our children. She grinned my way folding her hands into her lap for a moment finally speaking.

"Jack is an amazing student he is so polite a little on the shy side but he still does so amazing. Lately he has been saying some sad things in class. About how he had two mothers yet sometimes he still feels alone. He is so intelligent for his age." I listened intently before my face twisted to a very hard look of sadness yet I understood. I let her finish her talk all the way before I allowed for my own thoughts to speak out.

"Both me and Aaron work for the FBI, and I know Jack understands. He says me and his dad fight the bad guys which is a lighter way to deal with the dark affects of our work which is gruesome, he's still coping with Haley's death and Aaron even before we got together was raising him very well. Its the way children cope..I hope that he never feels lonely. That even I would give up my position, he doesn't need two parental figures gone all the time." I smiled sweetly in her direction. My thoughts were genuine.

Both Jack and Danielle deserve to grow in a nice household even if one of us was off fighting crime. The thought lingered. Could I even leave the team? I could but could I even explain why? It was a haunting thought. I had been with the team for so long now that my head was raising about the future.

What did it even hold anymore?

After a few hours chatting with Jack's teacher I had arrived back at the apartment with my thoughts in a scramble. The door had briefly shut behind me in a quiet manner slipping off my shoes taking note that Aaron was laying on the couch with Jack and Danielle in his arms. Cars was blasting from the screen and they all looked to be half sleep. Danielle's hand was over Aaron's eyes slightly while Jack was half in his lap. The sight was enough to warm my heart.

"Well at least I know the way to your heart is Disney movies." I joked setting my purse and set of keys in the little bowl. Aaron slightly tilted his head a bit up sending me a sleepy smile his free hand patting at Danielle's bottom.

"There's my love. How was it? Did she talk a lot? Whenever I go she talks like a lot." He spoke through his quiet laughter. It made me laugh silently slowly sitting on the arm chair with a grunt, slightly sliding my hands to massage at the soreness of my feet.

"Oh yeah she talks a lot, I can tell she's a very kind woman and she cares about her students. she says Jack is an amazing student, a little shy but lately he's been missing Haley more talking about her in class, that he's lonely. Aaron I know I'm never gonna be his mom. God knows I never would try to at all. I care about him like he is my own son, and I know school is in place so he isn't lonely but.. What if one of us needs to leave the BAU  team to take care of the kids? By one of us I mean me?" I had never seen him sit up so quickly.

"You wanna leave the team? This is me speaking not just as your boss but on a one on one level. You told me when we first met that being an agent was always a dream. That in college it was all you wanted. I know things have changed now, not just our relationship but our child is here now." I was focused on listening to him, even while he spoke in a stern like voice.

"The team needs you just as much as I do.. Just as much as our little family does as well. Jack is still a child and his healing is always gonna be different. We can still be good parents to them both even if we have to go save the world a little at a time." My own faint smile was on my face. I rubbed at my ankles a few times speaking my final concern.

"What if because of work they learn to also hate me cause I'm away too?" His own expression soften before he was shifting the two sleeping children so that he could stare at me even more.

"Even if it could happen. I'll always be here to lead you one step out of the darkness that we both may fall into." My heart felt too heavy in the moments so many emotions running through me.

"Thanks Aaron." I whispered seeing smile my way in a concern like manner.

"Anytime baby, let me go lay them down for their nap and we can talk about it more?"

Ebony (Criminal Minds) Where stories live. Discover now