Chapter Seventeen

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Ebony's Pov
"Ebony the door is shaking again!" The warmth water surrounding me had left from my mind for a moment. With Danielle fast asleep, and Jack close by in the hallway playing with his Legos allowing for some needed bath time. I found myself sitting up quickly splashing water around a bit in the bubbly like tub holding my wet chest with a chuckle.

"It's just your dad sweetie, come sit in the bathroom please?" The little footsteps were heard as the bathroom door was pushed opened and his little butt sat down on the edge of the floor near the tub next to me showing off his Lego toys with a happy smile.

"Well there goes two of my favorite people, where happens to be my third?" The heavy time of exhaustion was laced in Aaron's voice happily bending down to scoop up Jack with a grin holding him on his waist.

"Hey there buddy you've been helping out with your little sister yeah? Let's give Ebony some privacy yeah." He walked a little further into the room lowering himself down to give me a quick kiss with a grin carrying the boy out. A small huff rushed over my chest in such a small manner. Almost like things were slightly whole, like it should be.

"You've been in here for a good hour sweetheart. I'm sure the water has run cold." A sleepy haze took over my eyes sitting up in the slightly luke cold water in confusion, I rubbed at my eyes slightly hearing his chuckled watching the way Aaron slowly unbuttoned the buttons to his white shirt moving closer towards the tub to refill it with hot water.

"I didn't even realize I fell asleep, the kids?" I asked sitting up to make room for him to sink into the tub behind me, wrapping his arms around me. He leaned back allowing for my head to rest back onto his warm chest now.

"Jack went to bed after some running around. Danielle really is like winnie the pooh. I kissed her head and tickled her stomach fast asleep like her mama." I rolled my eyes playfully snickering with a soft shake to my head, slightly curling up into his side feeling him lean his head down a bit to kiss over my temple.

"I think she sleeps more like a rock, like her dad. Notice how she is an angel when her dad is around hmm?" Aaron rolled his eyes playfully tilting my head up to press his lips into mine.

"At this rate I'm gonna want about three more babies yeah." I let a surprised exclaim gasp out, slapping at his chest playfully.

"I'm not pushing out three more kids that's five kids altogether Aaron my first pregnancy too emotionally for me." His own snort left from his chest rumble out in a few minutes.

"The moment after you know, the drinks night and you found out you were pregnant why was your first thought to hide it?" I hummed a little shifting my head a little to watch the bubbles forming from the top layer of the tub.

"My first reaction was to freak out you know? I was like I slept with my boss, I'm pregnant and you know a normal person would just get rid of the baby. But a part of me wanted a baby, but I didn't want you to get in trouble. I thought JJ was gonna notice before anyone else she has Henry for sakes, but the team just felt like it didn't need change so I kept it to myself." His soft hums left him, rubbing at my inner thighs gentle like resting his head to my neck slowly.

"I always feel bad thinking you went through a lot but now look at us, you now are a huge part of my life like you already were. We have a beautiful daughter and soon in a couple months you'll be back to work I'm so proud of you Ebony I always have been." A dusted heat of warmth grew over my face hiding a little more in the flesh of his chest.

"You are always good with your words. Stop making me all shy and lost for words this is the reason I fell for you in the first place." I laughed shaking with his own laughter, cupping at my chin to dip his head down once again pecking over my lips a couple times quick like.

"Mhm mhm I know you love it, let's get out and go cuddle in bed. I already have a feeling Reid is gonna be calling you asking for advice like he has been doing for a week."

"Hey don't hate that I can be smart about what girls may or may not like." Aaron flicked at my nose getting out first grabbing one of the big fluffy towels to wrap us both into in one go. Pulling the plug out of the drain, he huddled back cuddled me all the way into the room. Causing me to shriek slightly when he fell over on top me trapping me under his arms cupping at my face to give me a passionate kiss.

"Shush shush honey you're gonna wake the kids." He snickered over my lips a couple times.

"Well you fell over on top of me." I said through my laughter over his lips, slightly damp neck I looped my arms over his neck tangling in the strands of his hair, before returning the passionate kiss smiling between the kisses.

"I love you so much Aaron." He parted from the kiss lifting one of his hands to cup at my face, stroking at my jaw and cheeks lightly.

"I love you too always."

Ebony (Criminal Minds) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon