Chapter Eight

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Ebony's Pov
The new found ability of uncomfortable sleeping positions was soon unlocked before I even knew it. I couldn't even sleep on my stomach anymore, and to me that was the best sleeping position there was. You could prop your leg up and just sleep with your head buried into the pillows, and sheets. The only way I could even sleep now was by having a pillow pressed under the bump and sleeping on my side.

If not that, it's going to the bathroom fifteen million times in less than one night. A loose little groan escaped from my lips, reaching over quickly to grab at my phone that was ringing non stop, answering as I snuggled into the warmth of my bed once again.

"Hey this is Ebony?" I fluttered my eyes a few times hearing a husky chuckle with a little confusion.

"Hey Ebony me and Jack are downstairs are you ready?" I snapped my eyes open sitting up on my bed with a small quiet groan, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. Totally forget I promised I would do this little outing, should be fun actually instead of sleeping in all day.

"Gimme fifteen minutes and I'll be down there soon Aaron." Saying goodbye to one another, my bladder already felt like it was on a thousand. Sitting up placing my hands under the bump quickly going to the bathroom as fast as I can. Perfect day for a dress and a jean jacket because it's hot as hell, I can feel it already.

"I like vanilla ice cream! It's the best Ebony you can add so much to it." I smiled gently at the hyper energetic that was radiating off the boy. We had barely stepped into the ice cream parlor when he was grabbing my hand and pulling me towards all the flavors, with Aaron trailing behind with his own laughter leaving.

"Vanila is always a good choice little man, I enjoy strawberry too. It's like the best thing in the world." I said already in a trance at anything strawberry, it was my favorite craving at the moment.

I straighten my body out a little more facing Aaron who looked beyond confused.

"Since when have you liked strawberry Ebony?" He asked through his soft laughter, I gave off a nervous chuckle rubbing at my wrist a couple times.

"What do you mean? I've always loved strawberries Aaron, especially strawberry pancakes." He lifted an eyebrow my way through his laughter shaking his head a couple times.

"Ebony up please?" I held my arms out scooping up Jack to hold on my waist with a tiny groan, playfully swaying him left and right while I kept speaking to him.

"You've grown since the last I've seen you, you're growing big like your dad." I smiled at him brightly, listening to his loud happy laughter. I suppose... This is how having a child is, teaching them and letting grow.

"I'm gonna fight the bad guys like how you and daddy do Ebony." I grinned even more at him holding him securely beaming out a soft expression.

"And I'm sure you'll do amazing Jack just like your dad." His arms were then tossed around my neck firmly, squeezing at it harshly a couple times.

"Here Jack come here I have your ice cream let's find a seat." Aaron had a bright smile on his face handing over the cone to the boy, passing him back over. I was then handed a cup of strawberry ice cream, telling him a soft thank you in response.

We started walking outside to the nearest table sitting out in the blazing heat. "I could have paid Aaron you know this." I smiled around my spoon, licking at it shyly focusing on Jack who was in his chair wiggling happily in place.

"It's my treat Ebony, plus I'm the one who asked you too. I just wanna make sure you are alright. Out of everyone on the team, I would say without a doubt you are the hardest to read.  Sometimes you hide things so easily." I brushed my flats against the concrete, slowly peeking up at Aaron even more speaking gently.

"Sometimes it's a little easier to pretend you are okay then to explain to others why you aren't okay. I'm not sure I've just done it since I was young." I explained. He was watching me closely with interest, speaking once again.

"Let's look at this way Ebony. If I wasn't your boss, profile me and what's the things you notice about me?" I propped myself back into my seat clearly with amusement setting my ice cream to the side.

"I'm allowed to profile you really?" I was sure a lot of excitement was bubbling through him, another husky chuckle left him before he was nodding his head at me.

"Have free reign just don't hurt my feelings too much." I let my thumb rub at my lower lip a couple a times, before blurting out a few things.

"Well if you weren't my boss and I hadn't known you for years. My first guess is that you are married to your job, but that when you love something like your children or like with Haley. You love with everything in your body. Don't let anyone see you vulnerable in your state, but when you do it's you in your most pure rawest form of you. I would say you have a heart that's so big that it wants to love everyone that it can." The way his eyes grew wide had me looking away quickly.

My head snapped as quick as it could clearing my throat, shoving a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth so I didn't have to speak flashing him a shy like smile. A stammered chuckle left him before he was looking down ruffling at Jack's hair.

"Yeah you are a good profiler Ebony." Even though I was feeling shy in my seat. That wasn't the case it was just what I seen of him outside of work.

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