Chapter Fifteen

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Ebony's Pov
"Look at that little bitty nose, she's gonna be a daddy's girl that's for sure."

"Look at how cute, look at that nose."

"If you think soft skin and a bald head is cute then yeah." I rolled my eyes playfully with a chuckle, keeping my hands gripped firmly on the stroller, while Aaron shifted little Danielle closely into his arms, rocking her left and right in his suit covered arms gently showing off the sleepy buddle towards the rest of the team. She had some bits of hair and that mixed tan skin of hers.

She was very vocal when it came to her crying and other times of need.

"You said the same thing thing about Jack when you saw him Reid." Aaron rolled his eyes playfully smiling down at her form faintly, a quite little yawn left from the newborn her tiny hands stretching up slightly to grab just slightly at Aaron's nose before snuggling back into her purple blanket a little.

A small little coo left from Morgan's lips while he just grinned looking back over towards Garcia and Emily a little as he spoke out the teasing only he could manage.

"I think I'm gonna stick with practicing." A harsh laugh escaped from Emily while she moved around his form to smile down at Danielle gently her eyes were rounded in light awe, looking back up towards the both of us.

"She's beautiful how long are you on maternity leave Ebony?" I hummed a little folding my fist roughly together as I calculated it all in my head, holding back a soft laugh glancing at Aaron who also gave me a playful look glancing at me from his side vision.

"Boss man wants me to heal for the first four months so I will be helping you all out at home base here, I'm just a phone call away." I smiled at everyone hearing a soft like coo left from JJ as she pulled me into a soft side hug, rubbing all over my upper shoulders a couple times squeezing at them a couple times.

"I could hear her screaming outside of the hospital door it made me panic." Garcia whined out with a soft side smile, I turned my attention for a moment when I felt another figure had, shortly joined everyone holding a few case files in his grip.

"And my favorite family is here, there's the little pretty flower." Rossi grinned gently looking at her, before looking between everyone we am apologetic stare. "As I don't wanna ruin the happy calm moment we have a case." It caused a short chorus of whined and protest Aaron carefully moving closer to me before passing me Danielle.

I gently took a hold of her, holding her in my arms supporting her head and lower back carefully slipping her into the stroller like carseat buckling her up.

"I think she was ready for mama to feed her anyway, I'll call you when we depart remember the doctor said don't move to much, alright?" I rolled my eyes with a whine once he cupped at my face pressing a few short kisses to my lips with a faint grin.

"Yes yes I know, I hardly can even leave her for one moment to shower unless she is sleep, be safe all of you." I demanded of them all still smiling a bit once I pulled away from Aaron's embrace to give him room. He pressed one last kiss to my forehead rubbing at my upper back before I was waving goodbye to the whole team.

A whole loud bunch of happy chorus of goodbyes were exclaimed my way causing a surge of warmth, I already was missing being around the chaos that was the team. I looked down once I was semi by myself taking a deep breath in at her sleeping form.

I was a little nervous, it had been some time since the team had a case since my labor which meant being around Aaron and Jack was undoubtedly very much needed. But I needed this, I needed to learn that being myself wasn't always the end of the world.

"Alright little one let's get you back inside before you throw a little fit, you really are a daddy's girl, I wonder how you are gonna react to the first few days of him not here." I found myself chuckling gently carefully pushing the stroller into the elevator, after waiting a few minutes for it to appear, sliding into it with ease.

I had pulled my phone out from inside my purse suddenly when it buzzed a couple times faintly, finding myself smiling at such a simple sentence. These little words sure made my day better from him.

I'll see you three when I get back I love you

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