Chapter Six

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Ebony's Pov
With the dream now a reality, I made sure to hide the test somewhere only I knew at my apartment.  I scheduled the first appointment, and it was now in the fate of months passing and just seeing where things were heading.

I think the excuse of being sick all the time is gonna be something I can't use all the time, which meant my creative brain was gonna have to come up with fatigue, family excuses and worse of all hiding the pregnancy symptoms. JJ had been pregnant before she knew the signs, staying clear of her was needed. And Aaron was a must.

He had one kid already that was the one thing fresh inside my mindless brain always. "Did you know the love chemical of love, is also found in."

"Chocolate I love chocolate." Emily cooed out glancing up at Reid with a grin almost like she was in a day dream.

"It's found in peas too." Reid exclaimed over her.

"Peas?" I shook my head in amusement rubbing my finger tips over my cheeks. Spencer and his facts always saving the day. It's so intriguing to know he just knew all this, and kept it stored in his brain for further use when it was needed.

"Do you have any facts or statics on caffeine?" He looked pleased leaning over his desk at me.

"I'm glad someone is interested in my facts! So caffeine is found in many drinks. Soda, teas, even in energy drinks. That's why they make decaf for those that just like the taste but don't want the jittery feeling. Did you know woman are still allowed to drink coffee during pregnancy just not a lot it harms the baby." He informed me pleased with the information.

"Oh really now?" I asked interested, JJ who had been coming from her office spoke also, walking by us.

"They also can't eat Sushi, of course alcohol, cheese there's a long list." She giggled shaking her head blonde hair bouncing In place heels clicking away as she ran off.

"Yes that too, pregnancy is one of those strange random things I know." Reid beamed out. Gosh why are they talking about this? It's making me even more nervous. Just keep my composure we are all profilers for a reason and this is how they find out secrets.

"Reid you know a ton of shit that no one your age should know." Morgan said through his rough laughter.

"It's not my fault!"

"No one should know the traffic patterns of a city they don't even live in." Everyone was now teasing Spencer lightly making him flustered. Aaron ended up coming out of his office to set papers all around everyone's desks without any words.

"I need these reports by tonight everyone." A small chorus of everyone was met around the entire place. I held back my smile, looking away from Aaron after taking my reports our hands fully touching he sent me a faint smile.

"I just gave you files man how many more are they gonna hand out?" Morgan complained out, I had picked up my pen to get started the sooner the better.

"It's not me it's Erin alright? She's talking about budget cuts again. They might be getting a new espresso machine." That created some loud excitement. The face I made was enough for the morning sickness to hit as an agent passed by with their lunch, I had no words for the heat smell of it all. I cleared my throat gently standing up for a moment around the chatter, knowing I wasn't gonna hold this in.

"Excuse me guys gotta go to the bathroom." I chuckled quickly saying goodbye to everyone placing my hand on Aaron's arm. I walked around him, speed walking to the bathroom, holding in my gag in slipping inside the doors, I went into the nearest stall emptying out my light breakfast of cereal finishing up. I flushed the toilet washing my hands off, with a quick motion of splashing my face down with water to calm the dizzy spell down.

"I got this... Yeah I got this just relax." I muttered to myself dropping my head down for a moment splashing the water over on my heated arms and heated face. I grabbed a paper towel wiping off my face hands and arms, glancing down at myself. I do wonder if you are a boy or a girl. A faint smile grew on my face, before looking up when someone else entered the bathroom.

I visually relaxed seeing JJ must have gotten off her phone looking up at me.  She smiled at me walking behind me towards one of the stalls.

"Hey Ebony everything alright?" The question was aimed right at me, I am doing awesome. I chuckled nodding her way.

"Yeah I'm awesome actually JJ, and you?" She shut the stall with a groan answering.

"I'm doing okay Henry just has a small stomach bug right now. Will's freaked out, gonna see if Hotch will let me go home early." I tapped my fingers over the sink recalling Aaron talking about how Jack was sick as well.

"I'm sure you can since Jack isn't feeling too well, just be a bug going around." I joked to lighten the mood, going back to looking in the mirror fully. This might be easier and harder than I fully predicted.

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