Chapter 21- Wedding (Edited 2/9/20)

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I woke to feeling a warm hand combing softly through my scarlet locks. I was resting peacefully, not opening my eyes in hope the hand would not stop stroking the silky strands. To my dismay, the hand moved away from my hair, cradling my chin instead.

"I know you're awake Mina." I peaked open only one of my eyes and gave my lover a shy half smile. I was laying on him as he rested in the hospital bed, yet another morning we had spent here. He sent me a smile back, I could tell despite the mask on his face. Spending over a decade by his side made me memorize his expressions.

"You need to go home and sleep in a bed. You've been staying here for three days. You don't want bags under your eyes when you walk down the aisle do you?" Kakashi joked. I immediately sat up and started poking under my eyes.

"B-b-bags?! I have bags!?" Kakashi laughed at my anxiety before tracing his fingers across my cheek.

"No, you're still the beautiful woman I love." Kakashi smiled. I felt my cheeks heat up before grinning. Our moment was interrupted when a nurse walked in with a lipstick caked smile and a bowl of chicken noodle soup. The normally appetizing smell caused my stomach to churn, an uneasy feeling breaking across my insides. The woman batted her eyelashes at Kakashi before bending over him to place the soup on a tray connected to his hospital bed.

"Your lunch Mr. Hatake... Do you need anything to make you more comfortable?" She flirted. Kakashi and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

"Um no thanks?" He said uncomfortably. The clown nurse left the room in defeat. Kakashi sat up with a groan from the wound in his abdomen and began to eat the hot soup. When he brought it closer, the smell became stronger, making me have to cover my nose and mouth. I ran out of the room and into the conjoined bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach.

"Mina?! Are you okay...?" Kakashi called out. I stood up and felt my forehead. No fever... No chills... No sweat... I wasn't sick... Was I? I reached in the compartment below the sink countertop and rinsed my mouth out with a mint wash, wiping my face in the meantime.

"I think it's just a stomach bug. I'm always around so many damn kids, I might have just picked it up." I replied. Kakashi chuckled.

"Okay well you're in a hospital so I'm sure they can help you out with that." Kakashi spoke loudly from the other room. I went back into Kakashi's room, feeling the nausea instantly disappear since he ate all of his food.

"That was weird." I groaned. Kakashi nodded before analyzing me with an odd look on his face. I felt my stomach grumble and immediately I craved tomatoes.

"Erg... I really want some tomatoes." I groaned aloud to Kakashi. He looked at me surprised.

"That's hate tomatoes." Kakashi looked confused and suspicious. Of what I'm not sure. I glanced over at the clock to see it was eleven thirty. I immediately stood up.

"Ah! I forgot that I had to drop off Naruto's lunch at the Academy! I love you, I'll be back soon!" I called out as I gave my fiancé a kiss on the forehead and left.


I huffed as I walked to Naruto's picnic table outside. He and Sasuke were the only ones at the table, in a heated argument about something. Sasuke was munching absent-mindedly on a tomato, causing me to drool slightly.

"Mommy!" Naruto called out when he saw me. I smiled and waved at him before giving him the lunch bag I made.

"Hi baby! Here you go!" He took it excitedly before munching on an apple I put in there. I looked at Sasuke, our eyes locking and narrowing. I walked towards him and raised an eyebrow.

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