Chapter 46 - Welcome reception

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Chi Zhengzheng was reading a book.

She was lying on the sofa with the book in front of her while Wen Yu was also nestled on the sofa holding his laptop.

Liuzhu was originally in the middle, but Wen Yu felt he was an eyesore and kicked him to the floor.

"Woof!" Liuzhu barked at Wen Yu feeling unhappy and then jumped up again, this time he rested on Chi Zhengzheng's shoulder, not allowing Wen Yu to kick him.

Sure enough, Wen Yu glanced at him coldly and then stopped paying attention to him.

Liuzhu wagged his tail feeling proud of himself and lay down next to Chi Zhengzheng.

After a while, Wen Yu said: "Zheng Ye will be back tomorrow, we'll be holding a welcome reception for him tomorrow."

After a pause, he said: "You should also come along."

"Huh?" Chi Zhengzheng was taken aback.

She was confused as to why she had to go, but Wen Yu thought she was confused as to who Zheng Ye was.

So, Wen Yu explained: "Zheng Ye is my former classmate. He has been helping me deal with affairs abroad in the past few years. Excluding Secretary Ning and Manager Hao, he can be regarded as my most capable assistant."

"Oh..." Chi Zhengzheng blinked.

"Zheng Ye is the future heir of the Zheng family, but he has ambitions and he isn't willing to stop there. He said he was more optimistic about Yu Ding, although the Zheng family is also moving up, the business structure is only so big. The head of the Zheng family is Zheng Ye's father, he can also keep going, so he's in Yu Ding helping me develop Yu Ding's future." Wen Yu said.

Of course, Zheng Ye's choice is actually very smart.

He obviously saw Wen Yu's talent doing business. The future of Yu Ding was certainly far from what the Zheng family could be compared to. Compared to going back to guard the Zheng family, Zheng Ye obviously wanted to witness Wen Yu's business empire, so much so that he was helping add bricks and tiles.

As far as business was concerned, this was an attractive thing for a young man to do.

Moreover, it was beneficial for him to help Wen Yu, at least Yu Ding wouldn't make things difficult for the Zheng family, when they meet in the business world in the future, the Zheng family can still be taken care of by Yu Ding.

If it weren't for Zheng Ye's outstanding ability, Wen Yu wouldn't be comfortable using him.

Chi Zhengzheng suddenly realized: "Oh~"

She understood very well, how could fewer powerful younger brothers be flocking around the male lead?

If not, that would be unscientific!

If this weren't a CP-free novel, the male lead would have no shortage of female confidantes around, which was the standard male route.

However, Wen Yu was also quite good to Zheng Ye, he wasn't a person who liked to socialize, but he was going to hold a welcome reception for him and even pulled himself into a large venue with lots of people.

Tsk tsk.

"Okay, let's go together then." Chi Zhengzheng nodded, leaned back down, and continued to flip through the book.

The corners of Wen Yu's mouth were slightly raised.

Holding a welcome reception for Zheng Ye?

Heh, was he a person with such a relaxed frame of mind?

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