Chapter I

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Y/n apartment, 8 p.m.

All of Y/n's friends and her were sitting in the living room of Y/n apartment, catching up on what they've been doing lately.
„Hey know about that forest that Mrs.Park told us about in class right?" Mrs.Park is thier History teacher and lately she tells the class a lot about myths and ‚haunted' forests. There is a forest in thier town, which is known to be haunted, but no one believes the story's that are told about it.

All of the friends nod, waiting for Hyejin to continue. „how about we stay there tonight. Hmh? Just walking around, no seances or anything. If stuff goes weird we can leave anytime"  Hyejin looked at her other 3 friends expecting a yes. „im in, just a Little Adventure!" „Yeah, I'm in too" Alex and Julie agreed to the idea but still there is one left, Y/n. „I'm not sure about this, what if something happens and we get lost? You know that the people of the town keep telling tourists to not go there.." Y/n said and looked at her three friends Infront of her. Her friends sigh, she was right but they still didn't want to miss a little adventure. „Come on! It'll be fun." they spend a whole 20 minutes, talking her Into coming with them.
And that's where they were now, Infront of the forest they talked about. „well , let's go!everybody got thier flashlights?" Hyejin asked and looked behind her, all of them nod and start walking into the forest. „I still don't have a good thought about this, so many people got lost in here, all the myths-„ Y/n started but soon got Interrupted by her friend Alex. „Oh my god, Y/n can you just shut up? Nothing is going to happen to us, you're just a crybaby" He spat out, clearly annoyed by Y/n's remarks.
She only sighed and looked at the ground, walking a little further back from them.

It's been an hour since they've been walking, they're pretty far away from the main streets now. „it's really dark, let's stay together" Julie said, making everyone get closer with each other. The three of them not noticing that Y/n was a little behind. She still saw each one of them. Crack. „Guys?...did You hear that?"
Y/n said to the group Infront of her, quickly walking to Hyejin. „Yeah..I heard it too" Julie was now close to Alex. Him and her have liked each other for years now, it was quite obvious. But none of them ever confessed. Crack...crack.. „I heard it again..." This time Julie said it, right after that the cracks became louder and louder...they came towards them. „All of you need to calm down, it's definitely just an animal" Hyejin tried to calm them down, she clearly wasn't able to because the cracks didn't stop. Hyejin felt herself getting even more scared than the others, she turned around to face them. „G-guys...don't Look back, there is something or s-someone following us..." Alex, of course didn't listen and turned around, making eye contact with the red blood shot eyes Infront of them. No body to be seen, no face...just eyes. The group started running, taking Alex with them.

„How about we go HOME!? Where it's SAFE and where no red eyed creature is following us!?" Julie yelled out loud as all of them were running for their lives, trying to find shelter.
„Stop yelling! It'll only attract that thing more!" Y/n was terrified for her life, but still had to make a point towards Julie. They all hid behind a big enough rock to hide them all for a moment. Out of breath, resting thier hands on thier knees. „I don't know what that was but I hope I'll never NEVER see it again" Alex looked at Hyejin, furious. „It clearly was YOUR idea to go to this fucking forest, we should've listened to Y/n-„ Alex's stopped speaking as his attention was drawn to a hand on his shoulder, he looked towards his friends to see if thier seeing the same thing that he does. His friends looked at him confused...they didn't see what he saw. „Alex Are you Okay?" Y/n proceeded to ask Alex and slowly made her way towards him. Y/n grabbed Alex's hand and kept looking at him „you're shaking, what the hell is up with you?" The three girls were worried and all made their way towards him.
„I..I feel a hand on my shoulder...and I can see's pale..and and I can't move away-„ Y/n's eyes widen as she saw the red eyes from before, Julie and Hyejin started to run. Y/n pulled on Alex's arm trying to get him away, he was practically glued to the ground. „Come on! Move your feet!" She tried and tried but he just wouldn't move. „He's not going anywhere" A voice said, it came from behind Alex, right where those red eyes were. „Listen, w-we'll leave this forest and leave you alone okay? I'm sorry we interrupted you-„ Within seconds Alex was being dragged away, his flashlight being thrown away and only his screams were heard.

Y/n stood in horror, not standing too long as she felt a cold breeze against her neck. Quickly she grabbed Alex's flashlight and started running in the direction Hyejin and Julie ran.
After running and yelling after thier names, they finally found each other. They were all standing next to a small stone circle, After they all calmed down Julie looked around. „What is it?" Hyejin asked the now panicking girl. „Where..where is Alex? He was last with Y/n.." Y/n looked at Julie with an apologetic look.
„Y/n what happened.." Julie made her way towards Y/n, ready to push her onto the ground. „I'm sorry...I-„ „Y/N WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ALEX!?" Julie started to get loud, grabbing Y/n by her collar, ready to punch her. Julie was angry, angry that Alex wasn't with them. „The creature we saw, that thing took him- I grabbed Alex's arm so he could run but he was glued to the ground it wasn't possible-„ Julie slapped Y/n. Hyejin quickly pulled Julie away from the other girl, „what the fuck is wrong with you?! It wasn't Y/n fault Alex got kidnapped from that thing!"
Julie turned to face Hyejin „it was her damn fault, she could've let herself been dragged away instead of Alex! You two are unbelievable. I'm going home." And that's what julie did, she started walking back down the path they came from, Hyejin kept yelling after Julie, that it wasn't safe going alone and she should rather stay with them but Julie didn't listen. She was sad and angry, and couldn't think properly.

„Y/n it wasn't your fault, it's going to be okay. We'll get Alex back.." Hyejin reassured Y/n, pulling her into a hug, pulling away she looked into the girls eyes. „For now, let's find somewhere to stay. If we go back home now, we won't find Alex." Y/n and they both started walking further into the forest, searching for any sign of Alex. „I have a feeling that this is a never ending forest, nothing to see, no river, no animals, just trees and darkness" Y/n told Hyejin, and she agreed. Hyejin suddenly ran towards something, which made Y/n quickly run after her. „Where are you running to?!"
Hyejin didn't give an answer, she only kept running with Y/n following after her. As Hyejin stopped, y/n had a chance to catch up to her, lookin at what Hyejin was looking at. „Holy shit-„ Y/n and Hyejin were in shock as they saw Alex's dead body laying next to a tree...he had huge bite marks on his neck, and a bloody shirt. „This isnt Right...who would do such things?„ Hyejin mumbled that question, scared that the thing that took Alex is still around. „Alex was a Good friend, even with very short temper he still made us laugh. May he rest in piece.." Hyejin now said out loud, continuing to walk, Y/n following her again. „What do we Tell Julie?..if She isn't you know..dead yet?" Hyejin turned to look at Y/n, linking her arm with y/n's. „I have no clue...I just hope she's alright"

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