Chapter V

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Author Pov

It's now around 2 am, Y/n and Mingi were laying in bed, keeping distance between each other. She couldn't close her eyes and just pass out, everytime she'd close her eyes she would see the dead body's of her friends, the bloody faces of San, Wooyoung and Mingi. She was terrified still..
Y/n decided to go downstairs to get some water, she carefully went out of bed and walked towards the door, opening it and entering the dark hallway. She stood frozen, trying to find a lightswitch. As she found one she turned on the light and walked downstairs, searching for the kitchen. "Listen Yunho, just be nice, she'll eventually warm up" She heard Hongjoong say, figuring out it came from his office. shrugging her shoulders she continued to search for the kitchen, sighing in frustration.

„why is this house so huge" walking around a little more she decided to go back to Hongjoong's office, knocking slightly on the door waiting for a response. „Come in" she entered the office and was met with two people, Hongjoong and another rather tall male. That must be Yunho, the one he was talking to earlier she thought. "Yeah, I am Yunho, it's nice to finally talk to you" he reached his hand out for her to shake, she took it and smiled at him a little. Yunho said bye to the both and went to his room, leaving Hongjoong and Y/n alone. "Why are you still awake? Can't sleep?" He asked the girl and leaned against his desk, she nod. "It's be here.." She starts talking, Hongjoong signaled her to continue talking, so he can maybe help her out. "I just want to be in my with my friends...You,Seonghwa, Yunho, Mingi and Wooyoung are nice, no questions asked..." "but it still feels weird right? You don't really have anyone to rely on in here" Y/n nod, Hongjoong walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder "it's going to be alright, we will protect you if anyone from us has outburst, since your human you're a target to some of us"

After a few more minutes of talking Y/n walked out of Hongjoong's office. She saw a light in the living room, she quietly made her way there and peeked her head inside. There was Wooyoung reading a book, as he turned to the next page, he opened his mouth to say something. "You can come in, I won't bite" He said chuckling, she walked into the livingroom and sat down right next to him, not leaving a lot of space but enough for them to not touch.
Wooyoung suddenly handed her a glass , she looked confused at the glass and then at Wooyoung. "It's water, you wanted some didn't you?" He didn't look up, she took the glass and thanked him, drinking it.
"What are you reading about?"

She said as she put the glass on the table Infront of them, leaning closer to him to look into the book.
His breath quickened, his grip on the book tightened. "Im reading about a couple, I like this book" Wooyoung said and flipped to another page, Y/n looked at Wooyoung, noticing his nervousness. „Tell me more about it" Wooyoung smiled to himself, he loved that she wanted to know more. He closed the book and put it aside, giving his full attention to Y/n. „The Book talks about a couple, it's a basic romance story but the guy has a secret, he's a vampire. She doesn't know, she only found out later in the book, she was terrified and ran away, leaving the guy forever.." Y/n looked into Wooyoung's eyes, tears were forming in them. Wooyoung looked to the ground and tried to keep himself together.

„Its not just a book right? It happened in real life, it happened to you" She stated and Wooyoung nod wiping his tears away.
He looked to the ceiling, trying to prevent the tears from falling. Y/n grabbed his hand, surprised Wooyoung looked at her. „What..what are you doing?" He asked while looking into her eyes, they were full of pity.
„I'm just holding your hand, nothing more. If you want to talk about the past then go ahead, I will listen to you..." He smiled at her kind heart, she is exactly what this house needs.
He shook his head ‚no' and held her other hand. „I don't want to talk about it, I wrote it down and that's enough. But still, thank you" He kept smiling, Y/n smiled too and then took her hands away again. Wooyoung grabbed her hands and held them again, he didn't want to let go. She looked at him a little surprised, he hesitated but then he quickly pulled her into a hug. Quiet sobs were heard from him, his face buried in her neck, letting everything out.

She comforted him the best she could, just holding him and letting him cry. He got himself together and pulled away from the hug, he looked deep into her eyes.

Wooyoung Pov.
I don't know why I cried Infront of her, that wasn't what I planned. I didn't want her to see me so vulnerable and weak. But as soon as I pulled her into the hug, I realized in that moment it was right, the way her hug made me feel calm made my heart jump. I didn't think I'd feel that again after all those years...
I pulled away from the hug and looked into her eyes, should I?... no no I shouldn't. I let go of her and stood up, grabbing my journal. Y/n stood up too and followed me out the living room, both of us walking upstairs. I stopped Infront of Mingi's room. She turned to me and smiled a little "It's in the past okay? I know it's hard to move on, but you'll be able to do so. Good night woo" I nod and said good night to her too. Walking into my room, I was met with San „you didn't tell her the full story" He had his evil smile on his face. I put my journal down and looked at him.

„Why would I tell her what you did. I don't want her to be even more terrified than she is right now" San stood up and stood Infront of me. „You do know that as soon as you and her get close, as soon as you develop feelings..she's gone." I rolled my eyes.
„Don't you dare lay a finger on her San, please just leave her alone."
San laughed and pushed Wooyoung a little.
„I won't. Just watch me Wooyoung "
And with that he walked out of my room, I punched my table out of frustration, I don't want Y/n to be hurt. I don't want her to die, we need distance from each much as it hurts but it's for her safety..

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