Chapter III

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Author pov
„You're more safe with us. Believe me." Hongjoong looked at Y/n with softened eyes.
Y/n just looked at him confused „safe? Are you kidding me, you took my three friends from me, not to mention two WERE KILLED" y/n was definitely mad now, letting it out by yelling at the male Infront of her. Hongjoong let go of Y/n,but she kept pushing him and punching his chest, angry of what happened to all her friends. Hongjoong just let it happen, surprised that she doesn't stop. Soon enough she finally stopped and broke down. Hongjoong pulled her into a hug, which she refused almost immediately. „I don't want your stupid hugs, I want my friends back...I want Hyejin back. So we can leave this house and this goddamn forest" Hongjoong sighed „alright- we'll give you Hyejin back" He patted Y/n's shoulder and left the room. She sat down on the floor waiting for Hyejin to come back, Wooyoung crouched infront of her. His hands resting on her knees, she looked at him. „What do you want?" She spat at him, which made him chuckle a little.
„Feisty, I like that." he smirked and looked deeper into her eyes. He sat himself next to her, taking her hand in his and intertwining them. Y/n looked at him confused and took her hand away from him.

„Wooyoung leave her alone, I'll handle it" A more calm voice said, which made both of them look up. Infront of Y/n was probably the most handsome guy she's ever seen..
„Alright, whatever you say" Wooyoung stood up, looked down at Y/n and winked at her before going upstairs. She felt shivers all over her body, still scared and worried for's been 6 minutes.
„I know you're scared, but there is no need to be.., my name is Seonghwa and yours?" he analyzed her face and body language. She was truly terrified. She didn't want to answer but also didn't want to seem rude to him, since he was nice to her „I'm Y/n.."she mumbled, seonghwa nod and held her hand. „I know this isn't what you expected of a trip to woods, this is definitely traumatizing for you, isn't it?" He patiently waited for Y/n to say something but she just nod, looking into his eyes.

Y/n pov.
He was..beautiful.. that's all I could think about, he was so stunning and so nice..unlike the rest of them here. „I know this isn't what you expected of a trip to woods, this is definitely traumatizing for you, isn't it?" I snapped out of my thoughts as he asked that, I nod and kept staring into his eyes, I was drawn to them... suddenly every emotion overtook me and I started to tear up, I looked down at the floor Infront of me. „I-I'm sorry..I don't know why I'm crying now.." Seonghwa pulled me into a hug, it wasn't like the hug Hongjoong tried to give was more comforting.
I let it all out, I cried for a good 5 minutes. „It's going to be fine-„ Hongjoong came walking out of a room, holding San by his ear. „Seonghwa, can you take care of San. He tried to kill Y/n's friend, do whatever with him just make sure he doesn't go near Y/n and her friend." And with that Hongjoong pushed San towards Seonghwa. „I didn't try to kill her, come on! She wanted me to kill her! Just ask her!" San protested, wanting them to know the truth, but of course no one believes the blond haired boy.
„Hyejin wouldn't want that! I know her too well for that" Y/n talked back at San, he had a furious look on his face, he wanted to rip her apart. „I swear to my life one day you're going to be dead" San was dragged upstairs by Seonghwa, only whining from San was  heard while Seonghwa kept telling him to shut up. „Is Hyejin alright? Where is she?" Y/n stood up and took a few steps towards Hongjoong.

Hongjoong Pov.
„Is Hyejin alright? Where is she?" As Y/n asked me that question I didn't really know what to tell her, I overheard the conversation San had with her friend, San was right.
I sigh and put one hand on her shoulder, surprisingly she didn't slap it away. "San was right, I overheard the conversation she had with him, she's in my office. I'll bring you to her alright?" She had sadness in her eyes, the feeling she's been feeling ever since she got into this house..I want to see her smile, I want her to be happy but right now that might not be possible..I took my hand away from her shoulder and led her to my office, I allowed her to go inside herself and talk to her friend.

Author pov.
Hongjoong stood Infront of his closed office door. Listening to the conversation the two girls had.
"Hyejin, is it true that you wanted that blonde guy to kill you?" Y/n asked as she sat down beside Hyejin. Hyejin only nod and sighed "I don't wanna be in this world without Alex and Julie, what's the point here anyways? We're trapped in a forest with Some freaks.." Y/n reached for Hyejin's hand but She stood up and went to the door. Y/n stood up too, confused on where Hyejin was about to go. "I'm leaving, I'm going back into that forest. If I die, I die and if I live then I liv-" Suddenly someone stood behind Hyejin, biting into her neck and making her fall to the ground with a loud thud. Y/n stood in shock as she faced the killer Infront of was a tall guy, with plump lips and narrow eyes. He looked at her and smirked, making his way towards y/n.

"I've been hungry for a long time and I can't wait to get you into my hands-" Within seconds he had her pushed against a wall, grabbing her neck, moving her hair behind her ear. He went close to her neck,  taking in her scent. "Just do it already..p-please" Y/n found herself saying the same words Hyejin said to San...she was ready to die. Her only friend left got murdered Infront of her...what does she have now? Nothing... . the tall guy started kissing the girls neck, soon bringing out his sharp teeth. "MINGI! Get away from her!NOW!" The so called Mingi let the girl go and groaned. He turned around to face an angry looking Hongjoong. "Why won't you let me kill her?she's human, she's weak plus we haven't drank human blood in months!" Hongjoong kicked Mingi in the leg and kicked him out of his office, making him take the dead girl with him. Hongjoong made his way to Y/n and tried to hug her trembling body, careful to not hurt her in any way. Y/n just let it happen, she let Hongjoong hug her, she didn't cry, move or talk...she was in shock, now in even more shock than before..
"It's hard to have seen that I know, it will get better soon...but.." Y/n looked at him, Hongjoong moved some hair out of her face and smiled a little.

"You'll have to stay with us from now on."


This chapter is rushed, I'm so sorry! Everything is happening so fast in here...
I hope you can still follow along. And that it's not confusing to you!

I really hope you enjoy this

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