31. A promise made

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The next half an hour was a blur

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The next half an hour was a blur. I could only think of Kriya till we reached home. As soon as I reached home, I rushed to the living room in search of Kriya.

Kriya was on the floor. She was holding on to the foot of the couch, trying to standup. She stood up with its support. Then she turned around to look at me. She gave me a toothless grin followed by a chuckle. She forwarded her hands towards me, letting go of her support. Just as she was about to fall, I hugged her.

I hugged her tight.

I felt my life come back.  She is fine. I sighed in relief.

I kissed her on the forehead, which made her giggle. That made me smile. She is fine. She is fine.

"Did you not trust in my ability to take care of her?" Shyamalamma asked me.

I looked at her, shaking me head. I tried explaining her. But she bet me to it.

"That's fine, I was joking. Just an attempt to gain your attention. Anyways, I have fed her, changed her, was just about to put her to sleep. But she was in a mood to play. So I let her play for a while".

I nodded. "I will put her to sleep," I told her.

She looked at me for a long time before nodding.

I took Kriya to her bed, ten minutes and she was fast sleep. I smiled looking at her face. Such innocent face. So, so similar to my Kirti. I brushed the hair in face aside and kissed her. She scrunched her face.

Oh No! Ok baby, no more disturbing you. I smiled to myself.  Making sure that she would not fall, I walked to the living room.

"Have you been reporting about us?" I heard Bhairav ask.

I stopped in my tracks. His voice sounded so scary. Who was he talking to?

Vimalamma. He was talking to Vimalamma. She had her back facing me. But Bhairav could see me. I know I should not listen in, but his cold gaze made me imobile.

"Your silence! So you have been spying on us. Do you still remember that I, Bhairav Prajapati writes your paycheck? Or have you forgotten all about loyalty?"

Vimalamma did not answer.

Bhairav raised an eyebrow. He leaned back, put left hand on the arm rest, other laid on his knee, tapping on it. His right leg crossed over his left.  At first glance, it was a cool posture, but I could feel the drop in temperature. His stance was cold.

I shivered, even when he did not look at me.

"You know Vimalamma, I kept asking Kirti why she hired you. You were not much of help. Then why choose you. So specifically? Why bring you here so adamantly?

Now I know the answer. She was trying to keep you away, wasn't she?"

He snorted and continued, "I should follow her and fire you. But! But I am not going to. You know why? Go on Vimalamma, ask me why".

THE BRIDES - meek, curt and sillyWhere stories live. Discover now