15. Nothing between us

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Lee rang POV

''How'd you come here ?'' I asked y/n. For some seconds she didn't say anything then she looked at her wrist. I didn't know I was still holding her. I slowly let go of her.

''Im here for work. What are you doing here ?'' She asked me calmly. Honestly, I panicked a bit after seeing her here. It's not safe for her.

''Likewise.'' I said shortly. What could I tell her ?

''Rang.'' This is the first time she called me by my name informally like that. A flood of memories took my thoughts. But I quickly snapped out of it.
''Don't hurt Ji ah. I don't know why you're after her, if you have a personal thing with her or its because of Yeon. But what you're doing is wrong.'' Still the same old y/n. You're the one in danger, stupid.

''You should worry about yourself instead of others. You should leave this island. Its not safe for you here. Leave before evening. And about the girl, as you said you don't know anything about it. Leave it to me. I cant turn back now.''
''Neither can I. You've saved my life twice and hence im indebted to you. I'll make sure to repay you. But other than that it's nothing. I have a lot of questions for you, when we reach seoul. But don't think i'll go easy just cause you've helped me.'' Saying that she left.

Is there really nothing between us ?

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Is there really nothing between us ?

Author's POV

Y/n was confused. She didn't know what was going on and the thought itself surrounded her in complete darkness. She had about hundred questions in her mind so instead of going back she thought of strolling in the village a bit.

At Pyung hee's house,
Yeon reaches there sprinting towards Ji ah. He was worried what lee rang had come there for.

''He left.'' Ji ah said not looking up.
''You're still in one piece. What did he say ?''
''He said he could find my parents for me.''
''And ?''
''Even when I order pizza, I never go for half and half. I always choose just one. I turned him down cause you're the fox i'm betting on.'' Ji ah said looking at Yeon.
''Smart lady. Is that all ?''
''Yeah. That's all.''

''Great. Let's eat.'' Yeon said handing Ji ah one of the cup noodles that he had bought and already started eating it.

'' Yeon said handing Ji ah one of the cup noodles that he had bought and already started eating it

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Cruel Fate (Lee rang version)Where stories live. Discover now