6. The Fire

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"What happened?" I asked rushing to him into the elevator.

"One of the factories caught fire. That place was full of new stock." He said fisting his palms.

Anger is evident in his voice.

"Oh my god..! The staff there..!!!" I asked panicked.

"I don't have any idea Cherry. I got the call as soon as the fire started. We have to go and see the damge levels" He said running his hand through his hair.

Getting into his car we started driving.

"Okay. Nothing will happen. Stay calm ok?" I said placing my hand on his'.

He didn't say anything. I didn't mind his silence. I can understand how anxious he was feeling.

We reached the location to see the chaos.

Fire people were rushing here and there. Some trying to control the fire. Some clearing the smoke, few are rescuing the people.

Pure chaos.

Panicked I held onto Karthik's hand.

He gently squeezed my hand and spoke to the manager there.

"What's the update?"

"No one is injured sir. As for the material we are yet to see." The manager said wiping the sweat on his forehead.

Karthik was like a stone.

He was controlling his anger like anything.

"How the hell did this happen?" He asked in a deadly calm voice.

"All the new stock arrived today. How can everyone be this careless?"

"No sir. Someone messed the electric circuit. It was intentional. The cc cameras were also damaged. It takes sometime to know who is behind this." The manager was literally shaking now.

"What's your name?" He asked. "Vinay sir."

Karthik was silent and just watched everything happening there.

The fire was almost out now.

The fire truck was taking out the burnt pieces from inside.

He was about to move when I held his hand

"Where are you going. Wait for sometime. They are clearing the mess there.!" I said little worried.

He shrugged my hand and walked to the building.

He was talking to one of the fire man when something unexpected happened.

The cable of the truck that's holding a block tore.

Karthik was standing right below that and the block was about to fall on him


I shouted panicking and blackness consumed me.


I was fuming with the info I got from the manager.

A mole in my staff.

I cannot handle betrayal and when I get my hands on that person he is going to see the hell.

Not replying to Cherry I just released my hand from her's and walked to the building.

I was talking to the fire man to know the amount of damage when someone pushed me.

At the same time I heard Cherry's panicked voice.

All the things happened at the same time.

The block hitting the floor, Cherry fainting and people helping her.

I rushed to her and took her limp body in my arms and drove to the hospital.

"Nothing to worry. She fainted because of all the anxiety and shock. A few hours rest and she will be alright." The doctor said.

"Thank you Dr." I said and entered the room to see Cherry gaining consciousness.

I went near her and was about to ask her how she was. But


and again


"I told you to wait with me. What would have happened if that block had fell on you." she shouted with tears running down her face.

Getting over my shock I took her face in my palms,

"I am so sorry. I was angry. I wanted to know the update. Am sorry. I didn't mean to panick you." I said looking into her eyes.

One minute there was so much love in her eyes, the next minute it's blank.

But why?!

"That's ok. Where is my mobile?" She asked freeing herself from me.

"Here." I said giving her mobile to her.

She asked the details of the hospital and dailed a number.

"Rahul. I am in hospital. Come and pick me."

"Stop panicking and come here. Nothing happened." She said to the other person on the phone.

Rahul? Is it the same Rahul I know? I was about to ask her when she cleared my doubt.

"If you are wondering who that Rahul is. Yes it's the same one from our school and college. Rahul and Rohit are the only two I am in contact with."

"But why did you call him? I am here to drop you..!" I asked offended.

"You have work to do Karthik. I don't want to burden you. Rahul and Rohit are the only ones taking care of me since long. I won't accept anyone's help other than their's." She said with a straight face.

Why would she be a burden to me? Is she crazy? I was about to talk when a person rushed into the room.

"Cherry what the hell happened?" He asked rushing to her.

Yup it's the same Rahul I once knew.

"I am fine idiot. Stop panicking. And how did you reach so fast? How many traffic rules have you broken?" She teased him.

Seems like they are very close.

They were the same during our college days.

The trio, Rahul, Rohit and Cherry, were inseparable. It took some time for Cherry to get close to me.

"Again with the rules. Stop it teacher. Come let's take you home." He said shaking his head.

"Hmm Rahul this is Karthik. And Karthik this is Rahul." She said seeing me.

"Thank God. I thought you guys won't notice me. Are you guys a couple or something?" I asked feeling little anxious to know the answer.

"What..! eww no..!" Cherry shrieked out. Rahul just laughed and shook my hand.

"Okay I will meet you tomorrow." Saying she and Rahul walked out, both of them bickering about Rahul's habit of breaking traffic rules.

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