9. Think Before You Decide

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I woke up at 5 in the morning. Hardly slept the night.

I cannot control my excitement thinking about Karthik joining us on our road trip.

It will be nice to spend sometime with him apart from work.

I got ready and packed all the things required for the trip. Rahul and Rohit just reached my house on their Enfields .

"Catch" I threw my bag to Rohit.

"Give a heads-up before throwing you idiot." He yelled catching my bag. I just stuck my tongue out.

"Aren't you a little more excited than usual?" Rahul asked raising his eyebrow.

"Shouldn't I be? We are going out after two months. That was such a long gap." I said sitting on Rahul's bike.

"Yea I believe it" he said sarcastically.

"Whatever. Now get going." I said and we drove to Karthik's place.

Karthik just came out as we were stopping the bikes. I got down from Rahul's bike as he reached me.

"Hey, you remember Rohit right?" I said pointing my hand to Rohit.

"Yea I remember him. Hey man how are you? And you Rahul?" He asked both of them.

Rahul just smiled while Rohit came and hugged him.

"Ok guys. You two ride on my bike, I will come with Rahul. I want to have a nap." Rohit said giving keys to Karthik.

"Did you keep all the things I said?" I asked facing Karthik.

"Yes madam. A sleeping bag, torch light, mosquito repellents, water bottle, air pillow and a blanket. Anything I missed?" He asked bending a little with his hands between his knees with a tender smile.

"Come lets go." I said with a big smile on my face.

It's nice to see his jovial side. He is always so serious and all he does was work.

It's some 20 km out of the city. After sometime we reached the place Rahul said.

I squealed seeing the place we just reached.

He is correct, I love this place.

It's kind of a secluded place. Full of trees giving a feel of forest, a small lake and some water streams running into that lake.

Though it was sunny, because of these trees it felt like a cloudy day. The birds chirping, the cool breeze, sound of running water. It's a heaven.

I turned to Rahul and hugged him tight. "This place is so beautiful. You are correct I love it." I said smiling so broadly that my cheeks hurt.

"I know Pinky. It took sometime for me to find this place. Got to know this from a friend of friend." He said smiling back.

He is the only one that calls me Pinky. No one knows why he calls me like that. Not even me and he won't say it.

We roamed around the area. Karthik was just observing us talk play and fight and occasionally talking when asked for.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked as we both started to walk away from my friends unknowingly.

"You didn't like this place?" I asked facing him.

"No. It's a beautiful place. I really loved coming with you guys." He said looking at me.

We were seeing Rahul and Rohit setup a camp fire as it's getting dark when he spoke again.

"You are really close to them. Aren't you? You are like a different person around them." He said still seeing them.

"Yes. I already told you right. They were through my thick and thin."

"Like when my parents died I was sent to my relatives house. It's not the same living with them. Though they are not horrible, they still treated me differently."

"These two helped me get a place for myself and a part-time job. They were adamant on helping me financially. But I didn't want to burden them. They were already bearing me emotionally.

"Whenever I wasn't feeling well, they took care of me. If I needed something, they would get me, whatever that maybe. Whenever someone bullied me in our school or college they were by my side. It's not like I cannot handle myself. But they were still with me if I needed support. There's nothing that I need to hide from them."

"Woah..! You have gone through a lot.! No one knew about your parents. Why?" He asked a little confused.

"I didn't want pity."

"So they were like the brothers you never had?" He asked.

"No. They are my best friends. That's all. Why should I change the relation between us? We have this bad view in our society, if a boy and girl are close they are related in some way. Why can't we just be friends?! Just for some people I don't want to tag my relationship with them." I said little annoyed.

"Hmmm that's true."

Silence engulfed us. A comfortable silence.

After a few minutes Karthik faced me and spoke

"I love you Cherry. I don't know how and when it happened but I love you."

"I want to make you happy. I want you to smile for me. I want to be that person for you where you will come to me about anything.

"I am not forcing you or anything. Take your time before answering me" he said and walked back to the tents where Rahul and Rohit were sitting.

The next day we returned to our homes.

After he proposed me I thought everything will be awkward between us. But surprisingly I didn't feel any discomfort being around him.

After dropping him I told my friends about Karthik.

As usual Rahul just scoffed and Rohit said to take the decision after thinking.

"What does that mean Rahul?" I asked irritated.

We just stopped infront of my flat.

"Then how should I react? Did you forget what he did in the college? I remember you crying your heart out very clearly. I don't want the same thing to happen again. After that, it's all your wish." Saying he drove off.

"Give it some time Cherry. Think clearly before taking any decision. Anyone can see that you love him. But think before you say anything to him." Rohit said before leaving.

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