14. Let Me Explain

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I plopped on my chair and placed my face in my palms. It's hard to handle emotional pain.

Taking few deep breaths I opened my eyes to see Karthik entering my room.

"Please Karthik. I don't want to hear anything." I said before he could speak.

"No Cherry. Let me explain" he said walking towards me.

I held my hand up showing him to stop coming to me.

"I am already drained out emotionally. I can't take it any more. So please leave."

"Gosh.. I want shots and music. Fuck with these emotions." I said taking out my phone.

"I am going to the pub. meet me there" I left voice message to my friends.

"I need a day off. Please excuse me now." I said to Karthik and just then my phone rang.

It's Rohit.

"Why are you going this early. It's still 11 in the morning. Don't be crazy Cherry. Haven't you had enough headache yesterday?" He started speaking the minute I picked the call.

"Doesn't matter Rohit. You come or not that's your wish. But am going. Bye." Saying I disconnected the call.

"Cherry wait. Please listen." Karthik started.

"No Karthik. Let me go." Saying I walked out.


This stupid girl.

Always acting on impulse.

I was about to walk out when my phone rang.


As expected.

"I think cherry going to the pub has something to do with you both. Am I correct?" I asked him.

"Yes man. I will come and meet you there. I want to speak to her" he sighed.

"Nope. Don't even think about it. She won't listen now. I will text you when we reach her flat. You come there." I said and disconnected the call.

Me and Rahul reached at the same time.

He raised his eyebrow asking what happened.

I just shrugged and entered the pub.

There she was already on a shots marathon.

"Okay. Now stop it. That's enough. How many did you have already?" I asked sitting next to her and Rahul on the other side.

"Just 7" she said like its nothing and was about to order some more when Rahul spoke.

"Enough Aakanksha. Now tell us what happened"

He never, I mean ever uses her full name.

He always called her Pinky or Cherry.

If he calls her by full name it means he is damn serious and there is an underlying message of 'don't mess with me and tell what's the matter'

She became silent for few minutes.

"Pinky.." Rahul started, but she cut him off and spoke

"I told him that I over heard his convo with Siri. Talking about the past didn't help me. I told him I love him but I don't want to be with him."


"What did he say?" I asked.

"Nothing. I didn't let him speak. I came straight here after that." She said sighing.

"What you are doing is wrong Cherry. When you don't want to hear his side of the story, you shouldn't bring the past. But you brought it and now you have to suck it up and listen to what he has to say." I said annoyed.

"Are you my friend or his'? Why are you supporting him?" She asked angrily.

"What I am telling is for your sake. It will help you move on. You love him. Listen to his defence and decide what you want to do. You won't be stuck in the past." I said looking at her.

"Say something Rahul. Why are you so silent." I asked seeing him.

"You are the love guru here. That's your duty to give advices. Come Pinky. Let's take you home." He said getting down.

"But my shots. I am not over yet." She whined.

"Nope. You had enough. Now let's go." I said paying the bar tender.

"You bring the car Rahul. I will come in bike with her. Give me the keys Cherry." I said taking keys from her.

Texting Karthik I started driving.

Cherry's phone was beeping non stop.

Settling her on the bed I took her mobile.

Rahul entered the room while I was seeing her mobile.

We  don't care if the other two checks our mobiles. We share everything. There's nothing to hide between us.

I was shocked to see so many creepy messages from an unknown number. She definitely hid this from us.

I looked at her and just showed the mobile to her. Her face paled seeing the messages that I just saw.

"What's the matter?" Rahul asked.

I passed the mobile to him.

He read the messages and got so angry that he broke the mobile by throwing it to the wall.

"When were you planning to tell? After something serious happened?" I asked trying to control my anger.

She kept quite not answering.

"Answer us dammit." Rahul yelled making her flinch.

"I didn't want to worry you guys. I thought it was some prank. But things got serious today. I was planning to tell you guys." She said looking down.

"And when was that?" Rahul asked.

"Okay I am sorry, I didn't tell immediately. But I didn't take that seriously untill today." She said sighing.

"Does Karthik know?" I asked already expecting the answer.

"No..! Please don't tell him." She pleaded.

"It's not a good idea Cherry. He will freak out. This is a serious issue." I said not liking the idea of hiding things from Karthik.

"Please not now. I will tell him. But not today. I am tired, let me sleep." She said laying on the bed.

"Promise you will tell us if something happens again? You do know that we can't stay calm knowing you are in danger right?" Rahul said sitting next to her and running his hand over her forehead.

"I promise Rahul. I am lucky to have you guys with me." She said closing her eyes and sleeping almost immediately.

I sighed and plopped on the couch while Rahul is still next to her staring at her face deep in thought.

In the World of Variables You are my Constant Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ