18. Hurt And Anger

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"Sir we found out who messed the electric circuit and caused fire sir. It's an employee from here but he is missing now. He hasn't come to work since that day." Vinay said. (manger of the factory that caught fire all those months back.)

"That's a good update Vinay. Check about his family and where he was from. You can get some leads. Keep me posted." I gave few more instructions before disconnecting the call.

That nagging feel to get back to cherry is becoming more. So I rushed to the elevator.

When I was nearing the car, I heard the panicked voice of cherry.
She collapsed in my arms and fainted.

Behind her was one of my employees. Seeing me he tried to escape.

"Security! Catch him. Call the police." I shouted.

Security surrounded him stopping him running further.

I picked Cherry and drove her to the hospital, informing Rohit on the way.

"What happened?" Rohit asked reaching me followed by Rahul.

I was waiting outside the ICU and she is being treated.

I said what happened. They both stiffened listen to me and exchanged glances.

"What did the doctor say?" It's Rahul.

We are not on proper speaking terms. He is still not happy with me. I didn't bother convincing him either.

"Nothing. No one has come out yet." I said pacing around.

They both sat on the waiting chairs.

After sometime the doctor came.

"I couldn't see any signs of severe abuse. Small bruises here and there. That's all. I have given her a sedative. She is on IV drops now. Let her rest. She is week because of her periods and the peril she went through. She might get nightmares. But will get alright eventually. Take care."

I entered the room to see her connected to tubes. Her face pale, bruises on face and neck. My heart constricted seeing her this helpless and weak.

Cherry I always new was strong which is so opposite to her present condition. A tear slipped unknowingly.

I went yo her and ran my fingers on her delicate face feeling her skin, soothing my heart a little.

Anger surged in me like a volcano seeing her bruises.

I fished out my phone and dailed Vishnu's number waiting impatiently for him to pick the call.

I told what happened as soon as he answered the phone.

"I will personally deal with that bastard. Just tell the police to wait for me. He is going to see the hell." I seethed.

"I will speak with the inspector." He said.

Cherry woke up after few hours.

"Hey how are you feeling now?" I asked as soon as I saw her.

"Weak. But am alright." She said weakly.

"Are you going to tell what happened?"

"The stalker was Goutam " she said seeing Rahul and Rohit.

"What.?! You said he is your 'good colleague and friend' when I doubted him." Rahul said.

"Am I missing something here?" I asked confused seeing the three of them.

They exchanged glances and Cherry told what happened all these months.

I was rigid all the time.

Hurt and anger were the only two things I was feeling right at that moment.

Hurt because she hid something this important and dangerous issue from me. And anger because, her hiding things from me brought us here today.

I calmly walked to the small table that's placed at the window on the other side of the room.

"You two knew. And didn't bother sharing it with me?" I accused turning to them.

"If it makes you feel better, we didn't know who the stalker was till now." Rohit said.

"I didn't want to worry you Karthik." Cherry started.

I took the glass vase that's on the table and threw it to the wall.

I was not satisfied so I dragged the table and threw it to the corner.

"Karthik.!" Cherry gasped.

I left from there wanting to vent out my anger on that bastard.
Rohit ran behind me.

"Karthik stop. I know you are angry. I would probably feel the same if I were in your position. But try to understand her. She needs you now." He said making me stop.

Sighing I collapsed on the near by chair and placed my face in my palms, hands resting on my knees.

After sometime Rahul came telling he finished the required formalities for the discharge.

I went inside to see cherry sitting on the bed looking out of the window. Sensing my presence she looked at me.

"Let's take you home cherry." Rohit said coming behind me.

Me and Cherry in my car and both Rs followed behind us, we drove her home.

The ride was silent. I can feel her anxiousness but I didn't try to speak.

Priya opened the door for us.

"What happened?" She gasped seeing us.

"Can you please bring some food for her?" I asked ignoring her question.

"Yea sure" saying she left to the kitchen.

Settling her on her bed I sat on the couch when Priya bought food to Cherry and started to feed her.

While eating cherry filled in her with happened till now.

Just then my mobile rang with Vishnu's name saying everything's ready at the police station.

"I need to finish some business. I will be back in few hours." I said to Rohit not looking at her.

Hurt was clear on Cherry's face. But I didn't mind consoling her.

I barged into the police station like a raging bull. Vishnu was waiting for me. Seeing me he came to me.

"Please control yourself when you go inside. That fellow is like a manic." He said unsure of how I will handle him. Not responding I went inside the cell.

There he was tied to the chair, seeing me he started laughing like a manic.

"Lover boy got to know today only? Your girl finally shared her issue with you?" He mocked me.

That was the last string. I strode to him holding him by his collar I started punching him. Blood was oozing out of his nose, but it didn't satiate my anger.

Vishnu along with two officers had to pull me out.

"Calm down Karthik. Don't be a manic." Vishnu yelled.

I tried to take deep breaths to control my anger. But it didn't help. I was about to go back when Vishnu held me.

"Leave me. I want to kill him. He tried to rape Cherry. Do you understand that? He touched her." I shouted.

"Karthik stop. Cherry needs you right now. Let the law punish him." He pushed me back. Stumbling I sat on a chair.

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