33. Epilogue

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After she was discharged from the hospital, we went to see the families of the dead. They were heart broken.

Viraj was given life time imprisonment. It took sometime for Cherry to come out of that incident.

She is due by any day now.

"Karthik..!" She shouted from the kitchen.

We are in our home and I am in my study trying to finish some work. But Cherry being Cherry is not letting me do it.

"What happened love?" I asked coming to her.

"I cannot get that pack." She said angrily showing a packet on the top cabinet.

Chuckling I gave her the packet she was trying to reach. "Come lets get you settled." I said helping her walk.

Holding her bump in one hand and the snack pack in other she said "I am tired of this pregnancy Karthik. My back and feet are killing me."

"All I need is a proper sleep without waking up because of hunger." She said sighing.

"It's just for a few more days love. After delivery, I will look after the baby for as long as you sleep." I said helping her sit on the recliner.

Adjusting the foot rest, I stood up. "Are you comfortable love?"

"Yea. I am just tired." She sighed.

"You just relax. I will prepare dinner." Kissing her forehead I went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

"Karthik...!" She shouted but this time there is panic in her voice.

Rushing to the hall I saw her holding her belly.

"Cherry.! Are you ok?" I asked reaching her.

"No..! Water broke." She said closing her eyes.

"What..! Ok , ok. Don't panic. Take deep breaths" I said pacing here and there.

"Idiot. Stop panicking and take me to the hospital." She shouted.

"Oh right.!"

Helping her stand up and making her sit in the car I drove to the hospital.

After reaching there I called our friends to inform the news.

Few hours into the labour she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Cradling my baby girl I sat next to Cherry on the bed.

She was sleeping, exhausted from delivery.

My beautiful girls.

I felt like I was the happiest man alive at that moment.


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