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-Chapter 1-
-The meeting-

Our ship finally landed on Corusaunt. We had to be cautious although, in the past, many assassination attempts had been attempted on Padme- or better known as Queen Amidala.

Captain Typho, the head of security, skimmed the area from looking out the tinted window. He nodded to the pilot, who slowly landed the large plane on the launching dock.

I jolted foreword once the plane landed, but quickly caught myself and straightened my posture. Corte, one of the lookalikes stood beside Padme wearing one of her favorite dresses.

Padme, on the other hand, was wearing a helmet, black and brown leather, and gloves. The hatch opened, revealing Corte roaming out with her hands firmly glued to her dress.

"I guess you were right." Captain Typho said to Padme. She smiled and turned to Corte. "There was no danger." He continued.

But he was wrong. It hit us, a massive explosion. Most defiantly a assassination attempt. Me and Padme ducked down.

I put my hands over my head to block out the ear bleeding drum of the explosion. Padme, instantly stood up and rushed over to Corte, who was sprawled out on the ground.

A drop of blood rolled out of her mouth, and her hair was the frizziest I have ever seen. "Corte..!" Padme whimpered. Padme put her hand on her cheek softly.

I let out a soft sniffle of sadness, then took Padme by the arm and led her inside. She mumbled a few things under her breath, but never spoke them aloud.

She kept her head down, which was most uncommon for someone with her radiant personality. I tried getting her attention by smiing at her, which she responded by shrugging even lower

Is fined and patted her back as I headed to my sleeping quarters. I was in much need of a shower- and a good nights rest. Being the Senators handmaiden and loyal friend was not a easy thing.

Once I entered through two large wooden doors, I plopped down on the bed I was given and closed my eyes. I needed rest.

"I don't know how much longer I can hold of the vote my friends," Senator Palpatine said as he looked deep into the Jedi— and my eyes.

"More and more star systems are bling the separatists." He said with a shallow frown. I quietly side and out my head in my hands. This whole thing was so frustrating.

"If they do break away—" Mace Windu began, but was quickly cut of back another shallow bicker came out of Palpatines mouth. We are watching u

"I will not let this Republic, that had stood for a thousand years be broke in two." He said crisply. I mumbled something inaudible under my breath, then regained my focus too the Senator.

"My negotiations will not fail." The senator said as convincing as possible. I could feel the rising anticipations from the Jedi in front of me.

"If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic." Windu said in his flat voice. He leaned foreword and placed his hands against each other.

"We're keepers of the peace.. not soldiers." He said sternly eyeing the Senator. He pushed his lips against each other, then frowned.

"Master Yoda," Palpatine began. "Do you think it will really come to war..?" The senator asked again. He tapped his finger against his table anxiously.

Yoda croaked softly before answering. "Hmm, the dark side clouds everything.." He said in his frog tone voice.

"Impossible to see.. the future is." He said grimly. He closed his eyes and thoughts. After Yoda completed his thoughts, a blue hologram appeared on Palpatines desk.

The hologram began speaking Huttese. "Good." The senator said shortly. The hologram began again. "Send them in." Palpatine responded.

The senator stood up quickly as the sliding doors opened. In came Padme, Jar Jar Binks, Captain Typho and a few other guards I didn't quite know the name off.

"We will discuss this matter later." The senator said to the Jedi before fusing his attention towards the group. Yoda hopped up from his seat and waddled over to Padme.

"Senator Amidala, your tragedy on the landing platform.. terrible." He croaked. I sighed and stood close next to Padme's side. She smiled at me shortly, then turned her attention once again towards Yoda.

"Seeing you alive.." he began again, "brings warm feelings to my heart." He said shortly with a smile.

"Do you have any idea whose behind the attacks?" She asked a shortly after. The rest of the Jedi got out of there seats and walked over to the crowd.

"Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners on the moons of Naboo." Mace Windu said as he walked past the grey chairs, and towards Padme and me.

"I think that Count Dooku was behind it." Padme said softly. All eyes in the room shifted towards her. "He is a political idealist— not a murderer." One Jedi said. The others joined in with nods of agreement.

"You know Milady, Count Dooku was once a Jedi." Windu said as he gazed upon her. She looked down, gathering her thoughts, then peered up again.

"But for certain senator, in grave danger you are." Yoda said hastily as he used his cane to waddle closer to everyone.

"Master Jedi, May I suggest the senator be placed, under the protection of your graces.?" The senator said.

"Do you really think that's a wise decision, during these stressful times.?" Senator Organa stated.

"I agree with Senator Organa, won't these thoughts lead us somewhere we don't want to be..?" I asked softly stepping foreword.

"Chancellor, if I may comment I do not believe—" Padme began.

"The situation is that serious?" Palpatine finished. He turned his head from the window and grabbed his clock from hanging in the ground.

"Perhaps someone your familiar with.. like— Master Kenobi."

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