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Chapter 3.
The mission

Once I heard the sound of glass breaking, I ran out of my room and into Padme's. There was a large hole in the window, and Anakin was already running out of the room.

I sat close next to Padme on her bed and side hugged her. "Are you okay?" I asked swiftly. She sighed, and nodded 'yes'. I hugged her again, then spotted the cut in half big carcass on the other side of the room.

Captain Typho already was beside it, kicking it with his shoe. "What is that?" I asked. "Some sort of poisonous bug- it was must have been released."

Padme had a disgusted look on her face. "Those were crawling on me..?" She asked. I shrugged, and she got out of bed quickly.

"Gross." I said as Captain Typho stepped on it.


"Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi Wan." Yoda said as he sat on his orange chair in the Jedi temple.

"Most importantly, find out who he's working for." Master Windu added.

"What about Senator Amidala," Obi Wan began. "Won't she still need protecting.?" He asked once again. Yoda looked at Master Windu, they both nodded.

"Handle that, your padawan will." Yoda said grimly. Anakin poked his head up from the ground, raising his eyebrows in confusion and delight.

"Anakin, take the Senator back to her home planet of Naboo." Master Windu instructed. Anakin nodded. "She will be safer there, and don't use registered transport." He added again.

"As the leader of the opposition, it will be very difficult to get Senator Amidala to leave the capital." Anakin stated. Master Windu nodded.

"Until caught, this killer is, judgement she must respect." Master Yoda said sternly as he leaned foreword on his cushion.

"Anakin, go to the senate, and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her about this matter." Master Windu added. Then the two Jedi left through the sliding doors, one frowning, and one smiling.


"I am concerned for my Padawan, he is not ready to take on a mission alone." Obi Wan said as he trailed through the Jedi temple accompanied by Master Windu and Master Yoda.

"The council is confident in its decision Obi Wan." Yoda said in his corse voice. "The boy had exceptional skills." Master Windu added.

"But he still had much to learn." Obi Wan said in his calm voice.

"Yes, yes, a flaw more and more common in Jedi. Even the older, more wise ones." Yoda said as he turned to Master Windu and Obi Wan.

"Remember Obi Wan, if the prophecy is true, your Padawan is the one who will destroy the sith, and bring balance." Master Windu added. Obi Wan sighed and turned to face him.

"And Obi Wan, Senator Amidala has requested for you to take along her hands maiden in this investigation, I'm sure you have met. It's the only way she will go." Master Windu said.

"Of course." Obi Wan said with annoyance hidden in his voice. Master Windu nodded and continued walking- or for Yoda floating down the temple.


"Be safe M'lady." Captain Typho said to Padme once the shuttle landed on the loading dock. Padme nodded, and the two Jedi got up.

"Thank you Captain." She said quickly. I quickly grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you so much." I said softly. She giggled and faced Dorme and Captain Typho.

"The threats on you two now." She said sadly. Dorme smiled and nodded. "He'll be safe with be." She joked. I softly patted her back.

A single tear rolled down Dorme's face. "You'll be okay." She said as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not me M'lady.. it's you." She said weakly. "What if they realize you've left the capital..?" Padme smiled and turned to Anakin.

"Then my Jedi protector will have to prove how good he is." She said with a grin. Anakin smirked and was about to walk over to Padme when Obi Wan stopped him.

"Anakin, don't do anything without either consulting me or the council." He said sternly. Anakin nodded. "Yes Master." Obi wan nodded at Anakin's response. He then turned towards Padme and me.

"I'm sure me and Y/n, will figure out this plot quickly M'lady." Obi Wan said seriously, then shot me a quick smile.

"You'll be back here in no time." Obi Wan said again. She nodded her head. "I'll be most grateful for your speed." She said turning towards me and Obi Wan.

"Its time to go." Anakin said quickly. "I know." Padme said shortly after. Anakin grabbed her bag and stepped down a small flight of stairs.

"Anakin!" Obi Wan called. Anakin quickly turned around, "May the force be with you." Obi Wan said. Anakin nodded and smiled. "You too Master." Anakin responded.

I hugged Padme quickly, then she followed Anakin down the stairs. I went and stood close next to Obi Wan. Once they got a fair distance away, Obi Wan began.

"I do hope he doesn't try anything foolish." He said strongly. I chuckled. "I'd be more worried about her doing something.. then him." I responded. He looked at me and smiled.


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