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Chapter 27
                                                            The capture

"You can't keep us here!" I shouted to the guards. "Her father is Bail Organa! He's a senator!" I shouted once more.

"I am a princess of Aldeeran!" Leia shouted. I crossed my arms and glared at the guards. Leia did the same.

I gripped Leias hand and held onto it tight. "That's cute." A women said as she entered through the doors. "You have no right here!" She shouted.

"The empire doesn't take kindly to Jedi sympathizers." She said tilting her head to the side.

"He will come for us." I said to her. "He won't stop until he does." I said crossing my arms. She raised her eyebrows.

"Oh?" She said leaning closer to us. I out my hand around Leias shoulder and pulled her closer to me.

"Obi Wan.. is dead." She said with a grin. I felt my body go weak. I shook my head, my eyes went wide.

Leias head fell down to look at her lap. I bit my lip to keep in my emotions. "So, nobody is coming for you." She whispered.

She chuckled at our said expressions. Then walked out the door. I pulled Leia closer to me, hugging her.

"It's gonna be okay." I said as I felt her tears land on my hand. "I miss home." She whimpered.

"Me too." I said quietly.


"We intercepted a transmit for Balnap last year. Bunch of talk about a secret network.. a path." The inquisitor said.

"We thought it was a lie." She said with a grin. "But a safe house, like the one you were in, has been found in two systems."

My eyes widened. She then slammed a carved rock down on the table, it had the emblem on the alliance on it.

I looked at it, and looked up at her. "I need to find where they are. So tell me, now!" She shouted. She looked back and fourth between me and Leia.

"How did he die..?" Leia asked her. I closed my eyes, and pushed down my emotions. "He burned to death on Mapuzo." She replied while tilting her head.

I gulped, and squeezed Leia's hand. "The people I'm looking for, left him there to die." She said dryly. I looked down at my feet.

"If you tell me where the path is, I'll take you both home." She said with a convincing face. "This can all be over." She said with a innocent smile.

I straightened my posture and looked her dead in the eyes. "I don't know anything about a path." I replied.

"Well how about ur we think a little bit harder, shall we?" She said in a harsh tone. I looked over at Leia who had the same pissed- yet scared expression as me.


The inquisitors hand was in front of Leias face. This had been going on for many minutes. The inquisitor was supposedly trying to take information for Leias mind about the path, although Leia was keeping a straight mind.

"Is this a staring contest." Leia said innocently. I smirked and rested my hand on the table. The women put her hand down, and Leia let out a sigh of relief.

"You're strong, both of you." She said walking away from the table. "The braver you seem, the more afraid you are." She said as he walked over to the exit. "I learned that at a very young age as well." She added.

She then glared at me and Leia angrily.

She began pacing around the room making eye contact with me a Leia. She then leaned in closer to us. "Nobody is coming to save you. The only person who can save you now is yourselves." She whispered to us.

Leia looked down at her feet, I just glared at her. "Fine. I'll tell you where they are." I said looking down. Leias head shot over to me. "I just don't want anyone to get hurt." I added.

"I give you my word." She said placing her hand on her heart. I sighed. "But, I'll have to tell her father first- I mean because we're all on the same side- that's okay, right?" I asked.

She looked at me and clenched her hands into a fist. "Nice try." She mumbled angrily "I hope you like pain." She said with a smile.

"It's time to make those tears real." She said with a grin as the stormtroopers grabbed me and Leia. "We'll never tell you where they are!" Leia shouted.

"Let go!" Leia and me shouted as the troopers pulled us out of the room. My breath hitched, I could only pray Tala had a back up plan.. that is if she was alive.

The troopers brought us to a large room. With two devices in the center. The troopers pushed me and Leia into them, and strapped the bars around us.

"Let us out of here!" I screamed to them. "Please..at least  let her go." I said softly.

"You are going to tell me what I want to know!" She shouted angrily. "What are you doing to us!" I spat.

"The same thing I do to anyone who doesn't embrace the empire." She said pursing her lips. I gazed around the room, trying to think of any possible plan.

"This is your last chance." She said lowering her voice into a softer tone. "Say something!!" She shouted loudly.

"I'll never tell you!" I shouted at her.

"Then your choice is made!" She shouted as she pressed a blue button, making the devices we were strapped in turn on.

Leia began screaming for help. I just watched in terror as two bars began coming closer to me. "I'm sorry, I really am." She said with a simple expressions. "You did this to yourself!"

The bars stopped. I creased my eyebrows in confusion. I then peered over at the women who was walking out of the room.

Two stormtroopers took her place and guarded us. I watched in confusion as the lights turned off. Then suddenly a blue blade strikes down a trooper.

I watched in fear as the blade then reappeared, and struck down the other one. Though- the blade seemed like.. a lightsaber.

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