Part 8

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Me and Benny were starting high school, which meant all the other boys were still in middle school. That's a good thing though, because it will make me and Benny pretending to date much easier.

I wake up and check the time. 7:15. School starts at 8:00 so I get up and change into jeans and a top. I walk downstairs and see yeah yeah eating breakfast.

"Good luck in high school!" He says while stuffing his face.

"Thanks!" I say, putting on my shoes.

*bennys pov*

I finish getting ready and walk downstairs.

"Good luck in your new school!" My mom says.

"Thanks mamà!" I walk out the door.

At school I usually hang out with the sandlot boys but since we aren't in the same school anymore I'll hang out with y/n. She hasn't really got any friends so she won't mind hanging out with me.

I see y/n leaving her house so I run over to her.

"Hey y/n!" I say

"Hey Benny!" She replies. "We are hanging out with eachother at school right?"

"Definitely" I smile at her. She smiles back. It made me happy that she wanted to hang out with me. I put my hand out and she takes it. We walk to school. Lucky for us, we have a lot of classes together. And our lockers are pretty much next to each others. The day goes by pretty quickly. Finally it is time for lunch. I find y/n and we go to the cafeteria.

*y/n's pov*

I'm very happy about how me and Benny have lots of classes together. We sit down at a lunch table. I can see lots of girls in our grade staring at Benny. I mean I don't blame them he is very attractive. I ignore them all. Me and Benny are talking when I notice Hayley coming over to us. She stops in front of us.

"I don't even know what you see in her." She says to benny. "I'm much better than y/n and everyone knows it." Benny gives her an annoyed look.

"Go away Hayley." I say.

"Shut up y/n. I wasn't talking to you." She mutters. I stand up.

"Go away!" I say a bit louder than before.

"Whatever." She says shoving me as she walks past. I stumble back a little but Benny puts his hand on my back to help me get my balance. I turn around to face Hayley.

"Hayley!" I holler. She turns around with a smug look on her face. I punch her. She falls back. Everyone is now crowding around us. Benny grabs my waist and pulls me out of the cafeteria. We are stood in the hallway looking at eachother. I'm scared that he's going to be annoyed with me but instead he smiles at me. He looks like he's about to say something before a girl walks out of the cafeteria. I've never seen her before.

"What you just did was amazing! She so deserved that." She says to me. I smile at her, slightly nodding.

"Oh I'm Britney." She introduces herself. I notice the way she's looking at Benny, I try not to jump to conclusions.

"Im Benny and this is y/n." He says.

"Well it's nice to meet you guys." She smiles at us.

"We should hang out sometime." She's looking only at Benny when she says this so I get the hint that she wants to hang out with him and not me. Im not sure if I should say anything about me and Benny. But before I can even think about what im going to say, im called to the principals office. I leave Benny and Britney on there own as I walk to the principals office.

When I get there I see Hayley sitting there. I sit down. The principal explains that what I did is not acceptable but since its my first day I won't get in trouble.

I walk out of the office. The hallway is crowded with people. I look around. I see Benny. He's with Britney

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