Part 11

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*y/n's pov*

When I get home, I slam the front door and walk upstairs. I walk past yeah yeahs room, I notice his door is slightly open. He is sitting on his bed staring at the wall. I go back and walk in.

"Alan" I say softly. He gives me a death stare.

"I understand you're mad at me but I never wanted to hurt you." I say. He looks away.

"Fine, be like that. But don't be mad at benny. It was all my fault."  I walk to my room.

I didn't want yeah-yeah to hate me but I couldn't let benny take any of the blame. Yeah-yeah would forgive me one day, he can't stay mad at his sister forever. But it's different with Benny. They aren't related so it's easier for yeah yeah to avoid him. I didn't want yeah-yeah to loose his best friend and I didn't want benny to loose his either.

I lie in bed the rest of the day. I'm too upset to eat so I skip dinner. I think about what benny said. Was it all a waste of time? The more I thought about it the more I realised why I did it all. At first it was to make Philips jealous but after a while I didn't care about making Philips jealous, I cared about benny. I like being with Benny. I didn't want what we had  to end. But it doesn't matter anymore. He's never going to talk to me again.

*yeah-yeah's pov*

Mom calls us down for dinner. I walk into the kitchen and eat my dinner. I ate my dinner alone, y/n didn't come down to eat. I didn't care, what she did was unforgivable. I thought about forgiving benny, since y/n said it wasn't his fault. But I'm still not sure.

The week goes by very quickly, school was boring as usual. I still go to the sandlot after school, benny doesn't show up. But at the weekend, when I go to the sandlot, like I normally do. I see benny. I decide to go over to him.

"Benny can we talk." I say. I'm not sure if this is the right decision, but I can't stay mad at my best friend forever.

"Yeah" benny says eagerly.

"I'm sorry for getting so mad at you. I understand that it wasn't your fault and it's too difficult to stay mad at you." I say.

"I'm sorry for everything yeah-yeah." Benny says.

*benny's pov*

I'm glad that yeah yeah forgave me. I wonder why he thinks it wasn't my fault. I don't want y/n to take all the blame, but she was probably telling yeah yeah it was all my fault so that he would forgive her. We play baseball for the rest of the day, just like before. I missed playing at the sandlot so I'm glad everything is okay with me and the guys.

Yeah-yeah invites everyone to his house for a sleepover. I'm not sure if I should go because y/n would be there and I haven't spoken to her since yeah yeah found out. I ignored her at school. I felt a little bad for her though. She sat alone during lunch. She didn't even eat. She's totally given up in lessons, she sits there doing nothing until the lesson is over. She doesn't even try to make new friends. I hang out with Britney quite often, me and her have gotten close. My feelings for y/n are still there but I do like Britney a lot.

I haven't hung out with all the boys in ages so I decide to go, hopefully I don't see y/n. When we get to his house we all go into the living room. I sit on the sofa next to yeah-yeah.

"Y/n never leaves her room anymore, so don't worry about having to see her." Yeah-yeah whispers. I nod. I'm not sure if I'm relieved or not. Of course it would be awkward seeing her but part of me wants to know if she's okay.

*y/n's pov*

I barely left my room all day. I go downstairs every so often to eat but I never eat much. It's 6:55. I hear lots of voices from downstairs. They are too faint for me to know who it is. I leave my room and go downstairs. When I walk into the living room I freeze. I don't know what to do. The whole sandlot team are here. Benny is here. They all turn around and look at me. I make eye contact with Benny. Nobody says anything for a few seconds.

"Hey y/n!" Says smalls excited

"Hey" I give him a faint smile.

"What are you doing here y/n?! Go away!" Yeah-yeah complains.

"I live here." I say walking into the kitchen. The kitchen and the living room are next to each other so they can all still see me and I can still see all of them, it's very awkward.

"The one time you decide to leave your room is when I have friends over! You're so annoying." Yeah-yeah says.

"If I knew they were here I wouldn't have come down." I point out.

"Whatever. Just be quick." He says. I get a glass of water. I can feel eyes on me, I look up and see benny. Our eyes meet but he quickly looks away. I leave the room with my water and go back to my room.

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