Part 39

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I make my way over to my lunch table and as I get closer I notice the girls giggling at phoebe while she sits there smiling with her cheeks pink.

"Who are you blushing at?" I grin as i sit down next to Taylor.

"Is it really that obvious?" She presses her hands on her cheeks in attempt to cover how hard she's blushing right now.

"Yeah you look like a tomato!" Taylor laughs. Gracie joins in laughing.

"Cmon Phoebe, whose the lucky boy? Or girl?" I ask.

"If i tell you then you must swear you won't tell anyone. Because I really really really like him and I don't want him to know" She tells me.

"I swear, your secret is safe with me."

"Okay so it's this boy in my Chemistry, he's so cute." She blushes "I'm not sure if you know him, his names Benny Rodriguez."

You've got to be kidding me. I stare at her blankly for a moment.

"y/n?" Phoebe looks at me confused. "Are you alright? Do you know him?"

I snap out of my blank stare. "Uhh i think he's in my Math class."

"Really?! Could you talk to him for me?" She pleads.

Fuck fuck fuck. "Uhh I don't sit near him so I don't think I can, sorry Pheebs."

"He's actually sat with one of my good friends over there." Gracie points to one of the boys. "That boy with the light brunette hair, River."

We all nod, wondering why that's relevant right now.

"I could get them all to come over and sit with us." She explains.

"Could you really!?" Phoebe looks at her, excitement spread across her face.

"Yeah I'll go over there quickly now." She stands up and walks over to them. This is bad, really really bad.

A few minutes later, Gracie makes her way back but this time not alone. Behind her is stood her friend River, two boys I don't recognise, Kenny, Bertram...and Benny.

"Hey y/n!" Grins Kenny.

"Do you guys know each other?" Asks Taylor.

"Yeah she-"

"We have a few classes together." I cut him off before he says anything. If they know I know Kenny and Bertram then they'll know I know Benny. Which they cannot know.

He looks at me confused but I give him a threatening look which he understands after a few seconds. "Ohh yeah, we have Art together."

They all nod. "Benny sit here." Gracie says gesturing to the free seat beside Phoebe, opposite me. He glances at me before taking his seat.

One of the unfamiliar boys approaches me. "Can I sit?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"Sure." I smile.

"I'm Dylan by the way." He reveals.

"I'm y/n." I reply.

"Nice to meet you y/n." He winks.

I look forward to see Benny slightly frowning while staring at me.

River sits down on the chair the other side of Benny. "I don't think we all know each other here so I am River, this is Benny" he places his hand on Benny's shoulder. "This is Christian and Dylan" he points to the two boys sat opposite him. "And those two sat here are Kenny and Bertram." He nods his head in the direction of the boys sat at end of the table.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you all, I'll introduce all the girls." States Gracie who is sat head of the table. "I'm sure you all know me, I'm Gracie. This is Phoebe." She gestures to the girl to her left. "And these two are Taylor and y/n."

I smile at them all. I glance over at Benny whose looking over at me, confused about why i'm acting so weird towards him. I give him a sorry look. I want nothing more than to be with Benny but I've finally made some real friends, that are actually girls, and I don't want to lose them over a boy. Even if that boy may be the love of my life.

"Are you okay?" Dylan leans over to ask.

I snap out of my trance. "Uh yeah I'm fine." I sigh.

He gives me a reassuring smile.

"We should definitely all hang out sometime." States Taylor.

"Yeah definitely." Agrees River.

"We could go to the movies and watch that new film that came out. It's supposed to be really good." Gracie suggests.

I instantly look over at Benny. I think back to our date a few days ago. By the look he's giving me I can tell he's thinking about the same thing. He looks away, clearing his throat.

"Can't we do something else, I've already seen it." He tells everyone.

"Yeah same, I think we should do something else." I agree.

"Uhh sure, why don't we all go to the pool?" Asks Phoebe.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Says Dylan. "Summer break starts on Saturday so we should go then."

The conversation is cut off by the bell loudly ringing. I stand up and walk away, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone.

I hear footsteps run after me. I can tell it's not Benny, I don't know how but I just know. I turn around and see Kenny stop in front of me.

"Y/n what's going on?" He asks.

"Nothing." I mutter.

"I'm not stupid. I know you and I also know Benny very well and there is something going on with you two." He tells me. How the hell has he worked that out.

I look behind him over at Benny. He's talking to Phoebe. They look like they're getting along really well with each other. I want to be happy for her but I just can't.

Kenny notices I'm not paying attention and turns his head to look behind him. He looks back at me giving me a sympathetic look.

"That sucks, man." He says.

"Yeah it does." I sigh.

"Does he like her back?" He asks.

"Well I thought he liked me." I mutter.

"Girl he's crazy in love with you, trust me." Kenny smiles. "He always has been."

I feel butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks turn pink. My feelings are completely discarded when I remember he's stood with my friend who has a huge crush on him.

"Yeah well it doesn't matter anymore, I can't do that to Phoebe." I explain.

"It's a tough situation to be in" he sighs "hopefully it's a small crush that won't last long."


"I'm not going to tell anyone about it, if you wanna talk about it I'm here and I always will be." He reassures me.

"Thank you Kenny." I give him a soft smile.

"It's all gonna work out, don't stress it." He winks before walking off.

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