Part 50

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*y/n's pov*

Summer was finally over. I had spent the rest of the break playing baseball with the group. It was clear benny wasn't going to give up winning me back, I must admit, he's succeeding. But I can't let anything happen, not until I've spoken to Phoebe. I didn't see her all summer so things still haven't been worked out between us yet.

Waking up early for school was not easy, I'd gotten so used to the relaxing mornings, no rush or stress. I finally manage to get myself up and dressed. I rush down the stairs and head into the kitchen. Yeah-yeah is sat at the table eating a bowl of cereal. I walk over to the toaster, placing a piece of bread in.

"Are you excited to go a new school?" I ask yeah-yeah. It's the start of a new school year and yeah-yeah and the rest of the sandlot boys are finally going to the same school as me and the others.

"Yeah,I can't wait. I hope I'm in the same classes as everybody." He tells me.

"I'm sure you will be." I say as I take my toast out of the toaster.

"Can we hang out with you guys or are you too 'cool' to hang out with us?" He asks.

"Of course you can, I'm sure Benny, Bertram and Kenny would love that as well." I assure him.


I hold my face up with my hands, staring over at Phoebe with the girls. Christian, River and Dylan take fill the empty seats at my table.

"I can't believe you never introduced us to your other friends, they're actually quite funny." Dylan comments. I glance over at the table of all the sandlot boys, everyone laughing over something squints had said.

"Yeah well we've only just fixed everything with them." I reply. "At least you've met them now."

"So yeah-yeah is your brother, right?" River asks.

"Yep, he's the reason I'm friends with them all to be honest." I tell them.

"How are things with you and benny?" Christian looks at me, knowing something is bothering me.

"Fine, I haven't really spoken to him much since that whole thing with Phoebe."

"I forgot that things still aren't great with you and her." He says. "Well I mean it seems like she misses you and wishes you were friends again."

"What makes you think that?" I ask, startled by his comment.

"She told us." River states. "She's definitely still mad and upset but I think she cares more about being your friend again. I think you need to talk to her."

"I will when I get the chance, I didn't see her for the rest of the summer so I never got the chance." I sigh.

"You'll get your chance at some point don't worry." River reassures me.

"Why don't you come and join everyone? Don't spend your lunch sat on your own dwelling on whether or not you're going to talk to Phoebe."  Dylan tell me. "Either do it or don't. But if you're not going to there's no point being all sad about it."

He has a point. It's harsh yet true. "Fine" I sigh standing up. "I'll come and sit with you all."

We walk over to the large table filled with boys all arguing over baseball. It would be nicer if the girls were over here with me. The others take their seats. I look around for a free seat and of course the only free seat is beside benny. I can tell he's already noticed by the smirk on his face.

"Hello, mi amour." He smiles as I take my seat.

I frown at him. "Sorry, too far." He grins.

"How are you?" He asks me.

"I'm okay." I sigh, putting on my best fake smile.

"Y/n, it's just me, don't feel like you have to force smiles." He leans closer, speaking in a quieter voice. "I can tell somethings wrong anyway."

"Nothings wrong." I dismiss his comment.

"There's no point in lying. I know you better than anyone, y/n." He says, still leant in close to me. "Everything will be fine once you've spoken to Phoebe."

My god, how many times am I gonna be told that? It's so annoying. I like talking to benny it puts my mind off things that bother me, he makes me feel calm. But I don't feel exactly calm right now, just slightly pissed off. I just want to talk about something other than Phoebe. I don't want to keep being reminded of how much of a bad friend I am.

"Geez benny I know." I snap. "Why does everyone have to keep reminding me? I know!"

I stand up, rushing out the cafeteria. I stand in the quiet, empty hallway, calming myself down.

I can hear the door open from behind me. "Im sorry, y/n." His voice is soft. Benny has always been able to recognise when I feel overwhelmed or stressed, I never really noticed it until now.

I turn to face him. "No I'm sorry. I know I need to talk to her, it's my fault I haven't. I shouldn't be getting mad at you."

He removes the space between us, softly placing his hands on my cheeks. "Everything is okay y/n."

"Why are you being so nice to me? I led you on and never explained why i suddenly begun ignoring you and acting all weird."

"Because y/n, you did what you thought was best. You did it to be a good friend, which you are. You're the most amazing friend someone could ever ask for. I could've never be angry at you doing the right thing."

I hold back the tears forming in my eyes. "You deserve better than me benny."

"Don't say that. You're the most perfect person for me, I can't imagine being with anyone else and that's the only reason I'm pushing you to talk to Phoebe. I don't care if it's selfish. If talking to her means it's a step closer to us being able to be together then I want you to do that." He tells me. "I'm not going to force you but I'm pretty certain you want to." He places a light kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you benny." I say. I've never felt so grateful to have someone like him in my life.

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