Part 45

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*Benny's pov*

I take a deep breath before knocking on smalls front door.

A few seconds later, his mom opens the door. "Benny! It's so nice to see you, everything okay?"

"It's nice to see you too, i was just wondering if smalls was here." I ask.

"Yes come in, he's in his room." she tells me.

"Okay thank you." i say before walking over to his door.

i lightly knock.

"come in." i hear him say.

i slowly open the door. "smalls."

He's sat on his bed looking down at a baseball magazine. When he hears me say his name, his head shoots over him my direction.

"Benny!" His face lights up. He jumps off his bed, rushing over to give me a hug.

"I've missed you, the sandlot is not the same without you." He tells me.

"Yeah, i'm sorry that i left." I tell him. "i should've come and fixed everything."

"Well at least you are now." he smiles.

"Yeah" i chuckle "how is everyone else?"

"Well i think they all miss you a lot but they won't admit it. Without you kenny, bertram and y/n there is only 7 of us, so it's quite difficult to play now." He explains.

"7 of you? Hayley is still playing?!." i look at him surprised.

"Unfortunately. But i have a feeling she won't be playing for much longer."

"Good, shes so unbearable." i say

"Why don't we go meet all the others, i think they will all want to see you." Smalls suggests.

"Yeah sure. Let's go."

*Phoebes pov*

I place the money for the drinks on the counter. Thanking the cashier before leaving. As i walk out the door i feel my body collide with somebody.

"I'm so sorry, i should have been watching where i was going." i apologise to the girl stood in front of me.

"Yeah it's fine, whatever." She says. I smile awkwardly.

She looks at me confused for a moment. I stand there waiting for her to say something.

"Are you Phoebe?" She finally asks.

I'm a bit confused about how she knows me. Maybe we share a class or something.

"Yeah i am." i smile.

"You and Benny are like a thing right?" She says.

"Well not exactly. We went on a date but that's it." I reply, even more confused why she's asking me about Benny.

"I see. Well i think theres something i need to tell you." She says, worrying me slightly. "About Benny and y/n."

I didn't like the way she said y/n. She made it seem like y/n's some dirt on her shoe.

I would say that i'm quite a sweet, caring person. I'm nice to everyone and don't get involved in unnecessary drama. But when it comes to people talking bad about my friends, i will be as mean as i need to. I'm not about to let this random girl come and talk badly about my friend.

"What's your name?" i ask.

She looks at me confused but answers. "Hayley."

"Listen Hayley. If you're about to badmouth y/n to me then i don't want to hear it. She's my friend, i don't care what you think of her but keep it to yourself."

She frowns at me. "So I guess you don't want me to tell you about how I caught y/n and Benny making out in the storage closet."

"What?" Is all I manage to say. She must be lying. y/n knows how much I like Benny, she wouldn't do that to me.

"You heard me." Hayley smirks.

"You're full of shit." I mutter.

"Don't believe me if you don't want to. But I'm not lying, why would I?" She sarcastically smiles before walking off.

*Bennys pov*

We get to the back of Vincent's drugstore, where all the boys are sat on wooden boxes.

"Benny?" Yeah-yeah looks up at me in shock.

"Hey man" I smile.

"Took you long enough! We thought you'd never come back." Squints says.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for being gone for so long." I apologise  "I should have fixed everything a long time ago."

"don't worry about it Benny." Timmy tells me.

"Yeah don't worry about it Benny." Repeats Tommy. "We are glad you're back."

"Good to see you Benny." Smiles Ham.

Behind the boys I notice Phoebe slowly walking past, a few drinks in her hand. She looks upset.

"I'll be back in a second guys." I say before running over to her.

"Phoebe." I yell getting her attention. "Are you okay?"

"Yep I'm fine." She says forcing a smile. "Uh I've got to go." She glances behind her before walking off.

I follow her glance and see Hayley now stood with the boys. Of course Hayley's involved, she always is.

I make my way towards her. "What did you do?!" I shout.

"What do you mean?" She asks, seeming unbothered.

"You know what I mean. What did you say to her?" I say angrily.

"Oh nothing. I just briefly mentioned what I saw in that storage closet a little while ago." She says.

I instantly understand what she's done. "Hayley what the fuck! Why would you do that!"

"She deserves to know, Benny."

"It happened before I even took her out on that date!" I tell her.

"Not my problem." She shrugs "I don't even get why you care, it doesn't affect you."

"It affects y/n. What you've just done is gonna ruin everything for her."

"Go away Hayley. You're off the team." yeah-yeah says.

"What!?" she looks at him shocked

"You heard me. You're not going to hurt my sister like that and get away with it." He says sternly. I don't think I've ever seen yeah-yeah this serious before.

Hayley opens her mouth to argue back but instead shrieks before storming off.

"Ive been waiting way too long for her to leave the team." states Ham

"I think we all have." laughs Squints.

"Benny, shouldn't you go find y/n." Smalls suggests. "I dont know what Haley's just done but it doesn't sound good."

"Yeah I should, I'll see you guys later." I say.

"We'll come with you." Ham says. "I wanna see y/n." 

"Don't even think about perving on my sister." Yeah-yeah warns him.

"I would never." Ham says pretending to look shocked.

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