Part 37

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*Benny's pov*

I notice Hayley sat at a lunch table with her friends Penny and Jenny. I groan before making my way over to them.

"Hayley can we talk for a minute?" I ask. I can feel the other two girls gazing up at me in awe but i ignore them, like i usually do. "In private." i add, causing the girls to quietly sigh disappointedly.

"Sure." she smirks. We walk away from the table, not too far but far enough for them to not be able to hear us. Hayley will probably tell her two friends anyway but whatever.

"I'm assuming you wanna talk about what i witnessed yesterday in that storage room?" She says looking smug.

"Yeah. I was wondering if you'd be able to keep your mouth shut about it." I glare at her.

"Hmm we'll see." She teases.

"What can I do to get you to not say anything?" I ask desperately.

"You have nothing I want so I guess you'll have to just hope I stay quiet." She smirks. God she's such a bitch..

"Fine whatever." I sigh in defeat, rushing over to my lunch table.

Now that I'm good with Kenny and Bertram, they now sit with Christian, River, Dylan and I. We all share a fascination with baseball so we never run out if things to speak about.

*y/n's pov*

I lay on my bed reading through my magazine, with the breeze from the open window cooling me down from the heat.

"Y/n." I hear a voice. I look around my room to see where the voice is coming from.

"Y/n." The same voice repeats. I get up from me bed and start walking around the room but when I look out the window I realise whose voice it is.

Bennys window is open and he's stood there waiting for me to notice him.

"Stop shouting! Yeah-yeah might hear you." I tell him.

"Oh yeah my bad." He says "I wanna ask you something."

"Go on." I look at him curiously.

"You wanna go on a date?" He grins.

My cheeks burn up as I widely smile at him. "Of course I do."

"Meet me over there." He points to a tree across the street. "Be there in 5."

I have no idea where we are going or what we are doing so I'm not too sure what I should wear. Im currently wearing plain jeans, with a plain white t-shirt. I think this will be fine. I brush my hair making sure it looks okay before rushing downstairs. I put my converses on as quick as I can.

"Mom I'm going out, be home in a little while!" I yell before leaving.

Benny is already stood by the tree waiting for me. "Hey y/n" he gazes at me.

"Hello Benjamin." I tease making him smile. He looks so beautiful when he smiles.

"Where are we going for this date then?" I ask stepping closer to him.

"You'll have to follow me and find out." He pecks me on the cheek before walking off. I feel my cheeks go red again. I run along after him.


"The movie theatres. Is this where you take all your dates?" I tease.

"Only you, mi amor." He smiles. I look calm on the outside but my insides are currently jumping around with excitement doing summersaults 

"Well of course. I'm your favourite girl obviously." I joke.

"You'll always be my favourite girl." He gazes into my eyes, mesmerised. I'm lost for words so instead of speaking I lean towards him giving him a quick kiss before taking his hand and pulling him into the movie theatre.

We find a seat all the way at the back in the far left corner. The room starts to fill with people as the minutes pass.

"What movie even is this?" I ask him.

"No idea, hopefully a good one." He smiles.

I look over at the people entering but my heart skips a beat when I see a familiar group enter.


"Mhm." He replies.

"I think there may be a slight problem." I whisper.

He looks at me, oblivious. "Whats wrong, are you okay?"

"Shhh." I whisper "look over there." I point to the group of boys sat diagonally to us, only a few rows in front.

"No way." He looks over in disbelief.

"Yes way."  I reply.

"Why aren't they playing baseball or whatever like usual." He complains.

I notice squints turn his head over in our direction. I quickly turn towards benny and kiss him, my back facing the boys preventing them from seeing either of our faces.

"Guys who's that over there?" Squints asks " they look familiar."

His comment causes all the boys to look over. I continue to kiss benny, waiting for them to look away.

"It's just a random couple making out, stop perving squints." Says Ham.

They all look away and focus on the movie. I wait a few more seconds before pulling away from Benny. He looks at me flustered.

"Just had to make sure they didn't know it was us." I whisper.

"I'm not complaining." He smirks.

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