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"BORISS! Where are you?!" I yelled, walking around the lower level of my house. "You'll never find me, Potter!" Boris shouts from a distance. I decide to walk towards the noise, stopping in front of the hall closet. Suddenly, Boris jumps out and tackles me. "Boris!" I scream as I hit the ground. Hes laying on top of me and laughing hysterically, meanwhile I am scowling up at him. "You almost broke my glasses, you fucker!" I complain. "Not my problem" Boris says simply, climbing off of me. He reaches out his hand and helps me up. I dust myself off, frowning. "Ey, why the long face, potter? You technically won, no?" He says, smiling. "True, true." I respond, smiling subtly. "You want drink? I saw beers in your fridge earlier" "Sure, go grab them and meet me in my room, would you?" I walk upstairs as he walks into the kitchen, sitting on my bed. After a bit he comes up, tossing me a beer that I then almost dropped on the floor trying to catch. "Jesus christ!" I say. "What? I gave you beer" he responded, sitting next to me. I roll my eyes and take a sip, inching a bit closer to him. We finish our beers, talking about random shit. We continue to talk for a bit after, mostly gossiping about our classmates like teenage girls. "What's her name again? Maya? It doesn't matter" I begin, boris listening and saying nothing, "she tried to make a move the other day, in study hall." I laugh, looking over at Boris. He looks really fucking mad. "What? Why didnt you tell me?" He says, almost seeming jealous. "I was going to, but you were sitting next to that 'kotku' girl!" I snap back. "Kotku means nothing, Potter! Nyet! Are you jealous?" He shouts. "What?! No, Boris! It's just obvious that she has a crush on you!" I shout. "She does?" He asks. "Of course she does, you idiot!" I yell suddenly, regretting what I said instantly. Boris looks a whole ocean of feelings, most importantly, hurt. "I am no idiot, Potter! You are the idiot this time!" He snaps. I open my mouth to speak, being interrupted my his lips crashing on mine. (sorry for the short chapter !!)

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