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morning, Potter.." I hear as soon as my eyes open. "Mhh.." I mumble in response, closing my eyes again. I roll over, wrapping my arms around Boris, feeling the scratches down his back. I feel his lips on my face, gentle and loving. (Get us all a mans like boris bro!!1!1!1!) I open my eyes, smiling at him. "How'd you sleep, lyubov?" "..good, good. You?" "Ya dobre spav. My back hurts like bitch, though. Ha!" "I told you I learned, russian, not Ukrainian. But atleast I know that both of us are in pain." I begin to laugh. He sits up, pulling me up next to him. "We should go to my place tonight, da?" "Uhm, sure. We can go out to eat tonight, I'm sure there's some restaurants on the way to your place." I began to say something else, but Boris cuts me off. "Actually there is! I know great place near my place, been there many times!" We share a smile, that is ended by Boris getting out of bed to search the floor for my boxers. I see that he had already found his, probably after I had fallen asleep. "What a gentleman!" I exclaim. "Da, Potter! I am nicest man you will meet." He climbs back into bed after a bit, sliding my boxers over my legs. "You even put them on for me too?!" I fake-gasp, giggling like I'm 13 again. Boris kisses me suddenly, mumbling to himself in polish. I pull back, surprised. "What was that for?" "Shut up, Potter. I want you to be quiet, I have to make phone call." "..okay?" He takes his phone off of the bedside table, wrapping his arm around me before dialing a number and pressing the call button. "Ah, Gyuri! Good to hear from you last night. Sorry I didn't show, I met an old friend and uhm..", and when he says this he meets my eyes. "...had a bit of, well, fun." I laugh at this, covering my mouth with one of my hands. Boris glares at me, silently telling me to 'shut the fuck up'. He looks back at the wall, continuing his conversation. "Anyways, I need you to drive me and my friend to that one place I like so much. I forget name(hmm, it's almost like I'm lazy and didnt want to give the restaurants name!), but I'm sure you know. Pick us up at 7:00, da?" He says something in Ukrainian, presumably a goodbye to this 'Gyuri' character, then hangs up. 'Gyuri' must be the driver he mentioned. He puts his phone down, kissing my cheek and laying us back down. "We need rest, Potter. Sleep." I nod, closing my eyes. Boris begins to sing to me, gently sucking hickeys on my neck as he does so. Soon I'm asleep, Boris still giving me hickeys and singing to me. When I wake up next, Boris is gone from the bed. I sit up, rubbing my eyes and standing up. I stumble down the hall, dazed and confused. The air of Hobie's is cold on my shoulders, and everything is sort of fuzzy without my glasses on. I can hear Boris speaking to Hobie. I walk into the living room, stumbling over to Boris. Hobie is sitting on the sofa across from him. I sit in Boris' lap, disregarding their earlier conversation about me. I look down at Boris' clotes and realize how underdressed I am. He has changed into a dress shirt and pants, and I am left in my boxers, my neck and chest covered with hickeys and bite marks. I realize Hobie is staring at my neck when Boris slips a hand over it, covering the marks and starting a new conversation. "Anyways, Potter and I are going to dinner tonight and then to mine. We are both very excited." I smile a bit, wrapping my arms around Boris. Boris whispers in my ear, "speaking of dinner, you should get dressed for it. Your friend here is staring quite hard." I nod, getting up and walking back to my room. I put on a turtleneck to hide the marks Boris had so lovingly given me, matching it with a pair of jeans. I put my glasses on, walking out to meet Boris. "Ah, Potter!", he lowers his voice, stepping closer.  "You're dressed quite.. unacceptably, go change." His voice is serious, domineering. "I thought I was told to cover up, though?" I ask, confused. Boris giggles, kissing my cheek. "Of course not, Theo! I would like to.. eh, show you off tonight." "Oh! Okay. I'll be right back." I walk back to my room, taking off my turtleneck, placing it on my bed. I sort through my closet, haphazardly throwing on one of my suits, still a bit dazed. I fix the collar, walking back over to Boris. "You look amazing, Potter!" "Thanks." I smile as Boris takes me out to the car that had pulled up as soon as we walked out of the door. He helps me into the car, sitting next to me and closing the door. He rambles to Gyuri in polish, sliding his hand onto my thigh. The ride isn't long, just quite uneventful aside from an occasional thigh caress (BAHAHAH) from Boris. When we get to the restaurant, I'm surprised when I see that it's... nothing I expected. It's quite dirty, and smells like a pool of vomit.

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