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Boris pulls back. "Potter- I-" he sounds ashamed. I interrupt him by kissing him back. We just sit there for a while, kissing eachother like we were some corny ass couple. After I pull back from the last kiss, he takes my hand in his. Of course I don't notice because my eyes are on his lips, they're all I'm focused on. "Potter?" And like that I'm out of my "trance", looking him in the eyes. "Yeah?" I'm worried. What if he didnt mean to kiss me and I just made him feel really weird? "I'm sorry for kissing you. I probably made you uncomfortable, no?" I'm a bit relieved that he's just as nervous. "No, Boris. I liked that you kissed me. I loved that you kissed me, actually." "Wait- really? No bullshit?" He's confused. "Yes, really. Now shut up and do it again." He does as he's told, but this time the kiss is different. Its desperate, and passionate. Neither of us pull back, ignoring the fact that we're basically suffocating. He pulls back hesitantly after about 5 minutes. "Happy?" I laugh a bit, climbing into his lap. "Yes, very happy" he smiles at that. I wrap my arms around him as he begins to hum some polish nursery rhyme. I couldn't care less about what he was saying, I was just focused on his voice. His voice is fucking angelic, it's beautiful. The way he pronounced the words of the rhyme, so attentive to every syllable and sound. It put me to sleep almost instantly. When I woke up, Boris was laying down, with me in his arms. He was definitely asleep, so I decided to go back to sleep as well. The next time I woke up, Boris was gone. I got up, walking downstairs to see he was in the kitchen making food. That was never good. "Boris, why are you making toast?" "Ah, Potter! You ruined surprise!" He has to be kidding. "Surprise? So you were going to surprise me with burnt toast?" I laugh as he takes the scorched toast out of the toaster. "Da! Is not enough of a surprise for you?" He's laughing too. "No, no. It is. I just dont like burnt toast." "Ah. More for me!" I roll my eyes, opening the cabinet above the toaster and grabbing a granola bar, opening it and taking a bite. "So we're not going to talk about last night?" He says, looking over at me. "Oh yeah!" I laugh again. This is super fucking awkward. "Uhm, so why did you kiss me, Boris?" I'm nervous, I think he is too. "Uhm-.. I guess I did because you looked... pretty. When you were upset at me." I can tell I'm blushing, and he can too. I dont know what to say, so I kiss him. There was also something different about this kiss. It seemed quite.. heated. We ended up kissing for hours straight until it lead to it. "It" being us in my bedroom with him on top of me, both our shirts discarded somewhere on the floor. That didn't matter now, all that mattered was us. Boris had his lips on my neck, meanwhile I was letting out unintentional whimpers of approval. This teasing continued for a bit, until it finally happened. Boris' hand slipped down my pants and that was that. We were far gone right then, not caring about anything except eachother. That day, Boris showed me exactly why all the girls in school wanted to be his. But he also showed me something else, that I was the only one who was his. His to love. His to keep. (Woaj that's cringy)

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