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When I wake, I see Boris asleep next to me. He looks peaceful. I look around at his bedroom, taking in the small details of it, like how he had come in when I was asleep and taken my coat off and set it in the chair in the corner. I shift around a bit, wrapping my arms around Boris. My head hurts so bad. "Goodmorning, Potter.." Boris groans. "..morning." I mumble. My words are still a bit slurred, but I don't feel so emotional anymore. "We should talk.." I say reluctantly. With no more words, Boris gets up and leads me to his living room. It's quite small, and quiet. He sits us both down on his couch, taking my hand in his. "So, why'd you drug me?" "Potter, I thought it would help you.. honest." Boris sounds close to tears. "But why'd you try to.. to fuck me?" I realize how close I am as well. Suddenly, something sort of.. snaps. We both begin to cry, sniffling and whimpering. "I.. I'm sorry, theo!" Boris chokes out. I don't respond, wrapping my arms around him. He melts into my touch, burying his face in my shoulder. I wipe my eyes, calming down a bit, but Boris is still sobbing. I tangle my fingers in his dark curls, shushing him. "It's alright, baby." I reason with him. It works a bit, because he cries a bit quiter. Boris lifts his head a bit, sniffling and wiping his eyes. "It's alright, Boris. I forgive you." I kiss his cheeks, smiling at him. Until it hits me. He never told me why he didn't want me at hobie's. And so I ask him. "..oh, Potter", he sighs, "promise you won't be upset..?" He sounds so genuine in this moment, so sincere and vulnerable. "I won't be mad, Boris. No matter what." He nods before responding. "So you see, Potter, you know how I do my fair share of drugs and...other things. And well, some of my dealer.. friends, that I happened to owe money to.. found out that I had been with you through my cellphone. No idea how, of course.." he chuckles dryly, "but they did. And I just didn't want you to get hurt, and don't even worry about hobie, love, I made sure he and popchyk stayed with someone else last night." I nod slowly. "Thank you for making sure they were both safe, love." "Of course, Potter." He smiles, letting go of me. "I do have a bit of bad news, though." Boris sighs. Of course. Bad news. "What is it?" I ask cautiously, hoping for him to say something such as, 'April fools!', even though it was nowhere near April. "I have to travel back to Ukraine for a few months, for business deal." I sigh. "When do you leave?" "In two days, I promise I would've told you sooner, I just knew you would be upset and it always kills me to upset you Potter." Boris' sweetness brings me close to tears. "Why can't I go with you..? I can help you stay out of trouble while we're there.!" I try to sound positive, but it's hopeless. Boris knows how lonely I will be, and he knows he'll be the same way. "It's too dangerous, potter. I dont want you to get hurt. Promise you though, we can text and call all you would like! I even have a proposal for you," he continues, "I will take you to dinner before I go!" He smiles gently, taking my hands in his. Before I can answer, he begins to talk again. "I assume your silence means a yes. Great!" "I was silent for about a second, Boris." I protest, laughing. "I say we go.. tomorrow?" He asks. I nod, pulling him into a kiss. For the rest of the day, we mostly sit around and watch television until it's time for bed. I notice Boris has fallen asleep on the couch, and instead of waking him, I decide to just carry him to bed. I set him down, climbing into bed next to him. I'm not quite tired yet, so I scroll on my phone until I feel Boris' arms around my waist and know that it's time to sleep. I set my phone down, turning off the lamp. Soon, I'm asleep in Boris' arms, with him snoring quietly.

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