One: Introduction!

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"What?" I ask completely in shock.
"Yes, you heard me"

I stare at my parents, at this moment I could swear they didn't give birth to me.
My brother sat beside me fuming but didn't say anything.

"You're not staying here, find somewhere else to go" my mother repeats.
Tears just kept streaming down "Then where am I supposed to go? I have no where else to go, you're my parents—"

My dad shakes his head "Not when you brought us shame. Karima you were married just 2years and you're divorced. Do you think that's a medal to hang around your neck? Show off to people?"

"I'm—I'm not saying that but—you're my parents, I thought you'd understand me"

My mother hisses "We told you marriage is all about patience but you couldn't, did you think you'd get some kind of special treatment after bringing shame on your family?"

I couldn't say anything more, I just burst into tears and I couldn't stop.
"Stop with the pity party, it's not going to change our minds" she says again.

My father couldn't even look at me, he looked angry and irritated.
Are these really my parents?

"Enough!" Malik says frustratedly startling both my mother and I.
He takes a deep breath "I won't watch you two behave that way towards my sister, do you have to be so heartless?"

My mother hisses "What?! Did we force her to marry him? She brought him home. She wanted to marry him and she left with him! So whatever happened should be fixed! Your father and I are not letting a divorcee in our home. Especially for a petty reason!!"

I was lost of words.
What the hell is going on?
What am I supposed to do?

Malik stands abruptly "If that's the case then we're leaving"
Ammi scoffs "And where are you taking her? What would people say about a divorcee living with her brother and his roommates?"

He shakes his head "We'll sort that out ourselves"
He grabs my hand and pulls me along.


No words were exchanged throughout our ride to his place.
I was still shocked.
I felt abandoned and miserable.

My own parents treated me that way.
Kicking me out.

I huff.

I raise my head and look at him.
"We're here"

"Oh, I didn't notice"
He huffs "Don't worry everything will be alright"

"I don't think it will, how can it ever be alright? If my parents treated me that way then what stops others from following suit?"

"You should be happy, you left Muhammed and that 2year sham. I'm proud of you and you should be as well, not everyone has the courage to do what you did"

I nod.
"So please stop worrying, I'll fix things"
"How? Because they do make a point"

"Which is?"
"You live with two of your friends, how would that work?"

"They both aren't coming home tonight. So you should go in, take your bath and rest. I'll order something for you to eat"
I shake my head "I'll just cook something"

He smiles "There's nothing except noodles in the house and I don't want you eating that so—I'll order something for you"

"Where are you going?"
"To sort things out, don't you worry".


Malik just got back.
Apparently he stayed with a friend last night.

I pout as I sit next to him in the living room.
"Why did you stay out?"

You're My Bliss.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ