Twenty Four: Relationship Experts!

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Things always get so awkward quickly when both Dahir and Karima are in the same room. Mostly because Samira is also there and she's always glued to my brother.

He's not interested in her but he likes it when Karima gets jealous. At this point I don't know what's happening.

I really don't.
Dahir and I are in the living room, watching.

I huff and turn to him "Do you have to keep this up?"
He raises his eyebrows.

"I mean, this space you're giving her"
He huffs "Brother I'm not sure. I keep having doubts"

"I love Karima but what if what you said was right? Maybe we're not meant for each other"
I shake my head "I just said it because I thought you'd disagree"

"But you made a valid point".
"What?" I ask awestruck.

He nods "It's not just about love. It's about someone who shows up for you. Someone who supports you. Someone who inspires you. Someone who pays attention to your love languages and shows you. Someone who loves you how they want to be loved and reciprocates it back to you. That's where people get it wrong and unless they understand this—they don't truly know what being in a relationship is"

He huffs "Yes, fancy words but are you really giving up? So easily?"

"It's not easy for me. The disappointment of a breakup is painful, you know what else his more painful? Realizing the sacrifices, time, effort, intentions, dreams and everything you were building together with this person has gone down the drain and you'll have to start all over again. That's very painful"

Just when she puts her guard down, he puts his guard up.
I take a deep breath about to speak up but Karima coming in gets my attention.

"Karima? Come join us"
He looks at me hesitantly.
I smile to assure her that it's fine.

She sits across me, on the couch next to Dahir's.
"I want us to have a talk, hopefully it's a progressive one. Everyone at home rooted for this relationship and now that it is falling apart we're all falling apart as well and we don't like that"

"So?" Dahir asks.
"We need to sort this out"
He shakes his head "Someone can't solve our problems for us"

"I know but maybe we can understand what the problem is"
He stays quiet.

"Something real cannot be ruined by having a clear, authentic and honest conversation. If it falls apart after this—it was probably never genuine to begin with".
Karima looked saddened after hearing me say it.

"Firstly, you gotta be mature enough to realize that you have some toxic traits too. It's not always the other person".
I stand "I'll let you two sort it out" I walk out.

Karima's POV.

It's been over 10mins and neither of us has said a word.
I feel really nervous and I'm hoping I don't have a mental breakdown.

"Let's break up"

I raise my head looking at Dahir like he was going mad, maybe he is.

He nods sitting up and resting his arms on his thighs.
"You want us to breakup?"

He nods "I do"
"Because it might be the best"

I shake my head "No, we're not"
He looks at me "What?"

I fold arms "I'm not agreeing to this break up, I'm not breaking up with you"
He chuckles "I wasn't suggesting"

"I know"
He frowns "If I could show you how awful you made me feel, you would never be able to look it me in the eyes again"

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